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请留步,别出来了。Don't trouble to come out, please.

那儿是交通停止,行人留步,军队开始的地方。There the rabble ended and the army began.

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他要你们留步,他随后便到。He orders you to wait. He is coming up behind you.

如果他不恋你,没有任何事物能让他留步。If he doesn't want you, nothing can make him stay.

来人在这里留步以检查证件。Here, visitors were halted to have papers examined.

部长请留步,想请你谈谈退休年龄的问题。Ministers to liubu, want you to talk about retirement age problem.

许多店家希望透过播放的音乐来传达一定的含义,从而吸引顾客留步。That, at least, is the message many stores hope to send with their soundtracks.

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我无法让时光留步,愿-祝福永远与你同驻。I am unaBle to stop the steps of time. May you always Be Besieged with Blessings.

我们邀请你留步午餐交谊,享受点心。We invite you to stay behind for lunch, enjoy the sweets and fellowship with one another.

请各嘉宾与何博士拍照后留步,等待稍后的大合照环节。Please your guests take photo with Dr. He and then wait for group photo link subsequently.

我无法让时光留步,但愿问候与祝福,永远留在你的心窝。Though I cannot let the time stop, I hope my greetings and blessings will be in your heart forever.

我们想说的话会把我们伤害,我们本可以很好地在一起,我们本可以永远地共舞下去,现在有谁会来与我共舞?请留步。We hurt each other with the things we want to say, We could have been so good together, We could have lived this dance forever, Now who's gonna dance with me?