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现在就赶紧去买这张CD吧。Buy it. Now.

我得赶紧走。I have to rush.

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我们赶紧去帮助他。We ran to help him.

赶紧结束吧。It just needs to end.

我们赶紧走吧?Oan we please go now?

他赶紧跑来搭手。He hurries to help me.

我赶紧跑了过去。I hurried over. The 11

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要是你吸烟,赶紧戒吧。If you smoke, stop it.

我听后赶紧去看莉莉安。I rushed to see Lillian.

如果真有吐血,那么赶紧叫医生。If so, call your doctor.

把床整好,赶紧。Make your bed. Do it now.

我也赶紧加入他们的行列。So I hurried to join them.

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挺好吃的,你赶紧尝尝。They taste good, try some.

我是否要赶紧把钱取出来?Do not take your money out.

我得赶紧撤到机场去了。I had to flee to the airport.

我赶紧拭干了泪。I hasten drying of the tears.

他赶紧掣回手去。He quickly drew back his hand.

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警察来了,我们赶紧离开吧。Here come the cops!Let's blow!

家人催他赶紧把秘密说出来。His family urges him to go on.

请原谅,我现在得赶紧走了。Excuse me, I must dash off now.