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他靠乞讨过活。He lives by begging.

他挨门挨户乞讨。He begged from door to door.

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他靠乞讨为生。The old man lived by begging.

街上有一个流浪儿正在乞讨。A waif is begging on the street.

街上有一个流浪儿正在乞讨。He has been a waif for many years.

你不需要向别人乞讨才能生存。No need to beg others for survival.

他们沦落到沿街乞讨。They were reduced to begging in the streets.

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他们挨近朱门乞讨一小块面包!At proud men's doors they ask a little bread!

贫困迫使他们乞讨为生。Poverty reduced them to begging for a living.

你怎么这样?到处流浪,到处乞讨!What are you doing hoboing and panhandling! ?

我怎么也想不到他会沦落到乞讨为生。I never thought he would come down to begging.

他靠挨门挨户乞讨为生。He makes a living by begging from door to door.

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约翰懒惰成性,不愿工作,又心高气傲,不肯乞讨。John was too lazy to work and too proud to beg.

为了下一顿饭,你要拐骗、乞讨!About having to be scrounging for your next meal.

一年除夕,一位老人来到村里乞讨食物。New Year's Eve, an old man came into the village.

无家可归的人们被迫在地铁站里乞讨。Homeless people forced to cadge in subway stations.

任何人都不应该有乞讨或匍匐前人类。No one should have to beg or crawl before humanity.

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这个瘸腿乞丐开始非法乞讨鸡蛋。The one-legged beggar begins to beg eggs illegally.

你认为我们不用给乞讨的人金钱吗?Do you think we don't have to give money to beggars?

一个衣衫褴褛的小男孩沿街乞讨。A ragged little boy begged his bread along the street.