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布丁或水果什锦。Pudding and fruit cups.

什锦菜,河虾派,秋葵加肉片。Jambalaya , crawfish pie, fillet gumbo.

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什锦饭,河虾派,肉片秋葵。Jambalaya, craw-fish pie, fillet gumbo.

什锦饭,河虾派,肉片秋葵。Jambalaya , craw-fish pie, fillet gumbo.

什锦菜,小龙虾派,和鱼片浓汤。Jambalaya, craw- fish pie, fillet gumbo.

牛奶什锦早餐的新鲜浆果或麦片粥或谷类食物亦可。Fresh berries on muesli or porridge or cereal.

他晚饭吃了一些什锦泡菜和米饭。He had some mixed pickles and rice for supper.

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什锦菜,小龙虾派,秋葵加肉片。Jambalaya and a crawfish pie and fillet gumbo.

“我要一客奶油什锦水果,”海恩斯对女侍说。I'll take a mélange, Haines said to the waitress.

一天抵达我有什锦再次!The day arrived for me to have Okonomiyaki again!

什锦水果、牛奶、橙汁和苏打粉,将它们揉成一个面团。Milk, orange juice and baking soda into them and mix.

什锦蘑菇,圆白菜,鸡肉,牛肉,羊肉,鱼丸。Assorted Mushroom, Chinese Cabbage, Chicken, Fish Ball.

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把什锦坚果和小红莓倒进一个很大的密封塑料袋。Poured mixed nuts and cranberries into a big Ziploc bag.

你也可以买干制的枸杞,加入到甜点思慕雪或什锦干果里头。Buy dried berries and have them in a smoothie or trail mix.

它像原味牛奶什锦早餐一样但却含有更多的热量和脂肪,并且对你没有那么有益。Like raw muesli but more calories, more fat and not as good for you.

这个看起来很异域风情的饮料就是澳大利亚什锦水果罐头。This exotic looking drink is just like your Aussie can of Two Fruits.

什锦饭是一道由米饭、肉类和蔬菜烹调而成的传统西班牙菜肴。Paella is a traditional Spanish dish made of rice, meats and vegetables.

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如果你想用啤酒搭配配菜,那就试试我们的“烈凤什锦”!If you're looking for a side dish to your beer, try our "Yul Bong Jumble"!

假如你想用啤酒搭配配菜,那就试试我们的“烈凤什锦”!If you're looking for a side dish to your drink- try our"Yul Bong Jumble"!

我得知任何人都不喜欢得到一碗牛奶什锦早餐。Anyone not wishing for a coronary usually opts for a bowl of muesli so I'm told.