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你好!我系熊远望。Hello! I'm Yervant Hsung.

放眼远望,海天一色。Far-sighted, sea and sky merged.

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罗西正在远望着昆明这座美丽的城市。Rossi is looking out towards the city of Kunming.

她在想象中远望到“应许之地”。In imagination, she looked into the promised land.

雷尼可以从那座山远望谷间远处的那边。From the mountain Lenny can look off across the valley.

如果你极目远望,你能看见远方的湖。If you strain your eyes, you can see the lake far away.

她凝目远望,天边的云彩越飘越远了。She gazed into the distance, the clouds in the sky flying away.

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远望了一下海,没有什么动人之处,沙滩的沙也不好。A sea of troubles, nothing moving part, the sand beach also is bad.

旅行者可以从约旦远望,视线越过约旦河西岸地区,欣赏死海的美丽落日。Travelers enjoyed their view from Jordan looking out over the West Bank.

山顶远望,泰莱平原,汶河西流,一览无余。The top view, Taylor's plain, Wen River flow, take in everything in a glance.

远望洞庭,烟波浩渺。Far in the distance lies the Dongting Lake, a vast expanse of misty, rolling waters.

远望谷将采取分片、分段逐步实施的方案。Yuanwang piecewise Valley will be taken, step by step implementation of sub-programs.

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远望漳泽水库壮如锦带,飘浮于天际,上党盆地一览无遗。Yuanwang Zhangze Reservoir Weigela such as Zhuang, floating in the sky, a glance Shangdang Basin.

他们招手远望,在迷雾中隐约前行,一个数学界的难以逃避的挑战。They beckon from afar, rising dimly in the mists, an elusive challenge to the mathematical community.

登阁远望,隔着南岸广阔的平原,东南山岭巍然矗立,气势雄壮。Gordon Court Yuan Wang, across the vast plain south, southeast mountains towering stand, magnificent momentum.

江南的蓑衣和竹笠经年地寻找,在远远的翘首远望。Year in and year out, coir raincoat and bamboo hat keep searching by raising their heads and looking far ahead.

没有人愿意把他凿碎,因为它太丑了,用这些石块根本铺不出一条像样的道路来,而它那个无私的魔法更是可以让人们登高远望。Nobody would break it up, because it would make an ugly path, and its unselfish magic made it useful as it stood.

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当最后的帆船驶向远方的地平线,我在岩石上远望,任思绪慢慢飘远。As The last ship sailed towards the distant horizon, I sat there watching on a rock. My mind slowly drifting away.

朝东远望,可以看见浦东国际机场的民航飞机,就象空中的小鸟,来来往往。The east afar, can see the Pudong International Airport, aviation aircraft, like the air, birds, coming and going.

著名的京打马尼,气候凉爽,由此可远望顶峰终年烟雾迷朦的巴都火山。Beijing to play the famous Mani climate is cool it can be seen year-round smoke Mi Meng Yuan Wang peak Batu volcano.