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这份杂志将于下周停刊。This magazine will discontinue next week.

这是我事业的重要组成部分,但是当我听说停刊的消息的时候还是挺开心。It was a great part of my career, but I was joyful when I heard the news.

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那是他们在停刊时写下的告别讯息,“求知若饥,虚心若愚”。It was their farewell message as they signed off. "Stay hungry, stay foolish."

由于广告收入下滑和读者减少,大批报纸面临着可能的破产和停刊命运。A string of newspapers are facing bankruptcy and possible closure because of falling advertising revenue and readership.

中青报的冰点对此作出回应,并附发了这篇文章,后来,冰点被暂时停刊、辑被革职。In response, the popular newspaper supplement Freezing Point, which carried his essay, was temporarily shut down and its editors were fired.

许多地方报纸在过去的几年关门停刊,不过在咨询师西蒙·特林顿看来,社区新闻的需求量依然很高。Many local newspapers have disappeared in the past few years. But Simon Terrington, another consultant, reckons demand for neighbourhood news is high.

纽约时报公司管定了一个午夜期限,并称除非工会同意方案中的两千万美元,否则环球报将被停刊。The Times company has set a midnight deadline and said unless the union has agreed to twenty million dollars in concessions by then the Globe will be closed down.

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重庆新闻出版局已于20日对该报给予停刊处罚,该报社社长已被主管单位重庆出版集团免职。The Chongqing Press and Publication Bureau has ceased the newspapers' publication, and the publisher of the newspaper has been fired by the parent company Chongqing Publishing Group.

在英国,传媒大亨鲁伯特·默多克的世界新闻报于今年停刊,其原因是由于竞争小包为了大量获取故事及信息设法盗取其工作人员的电话信息。In Britain, publisher Rupert Murdoch closed down the News of the World this year after contentions that the tabloid routinely hacked into people's phones in the hunt for exclusive stories.

如何削减加入WTO影印刊停刊后带来的负面影响,以及如何处理好电子型期刊与印刷型期刊之间的关系等提出了解决策略。How to reduce the negative impacts since our country entered WTO?How to deal with the connections of E-periodicals and traditional periodicals?Therefore, this paper gives some countermeasures.