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日全食历时最长的一次是百年难遇。Total solar eclipse to come, longest in 500 years.

下次日全食将会发生在2010年7月11日。The next total solar eclipse will occur on 11 July, 2010.

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趁便查啦一下日全食地材料。Conveniently checked total solar eclipse was visible material.

在日全食发生时,月亮会完全遮挡住太阳。During a total eclipse, the moon completely blots out the sun.

而在中心部分,本影就是日全食。In the inner part, the umbra, that's where the eclipse is total.

下一次日全食是在2013年11月,南太平洋将观测到。The next total solar eclipse is in November 2013 over the South Pacific.

在日全食期间,太阳将被月球完全覆盖。During a total eclipse, the Sun's disk is completely occulted by the Moon.

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下一次日全食的发生要等到2012年的11月了。For example, there won't be another total solar eclipse until November 2012.

在欧洲的观测者越靠近北部地区,他们所观察到的太阳就越接近于日全食。The farther north observers were in Europe, the more the sun seemed to vanish.

伴随着这次日食的余威,8月16日又将发生一次日全食。On the heels of this eclipse will come the full moon lunar eclipse on August 16.

航空图显示,我国武汉可以首个看到今天日全食。Our sky chart shows you the total solar eclipse as seen from Wuhan, China, today.

正是这个原因导致了日全食和日环食的区别。It is this effect that leads to the difference between total and annular eclipses.

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他们研究星空中的一切现象他们也观察到日全食和月全食以及日偏食和月偏食。they studied everything in the sky and they also noticed both total and partial eclipses.

日全食轨道观测卫星捕捉到新的日全食光照,太阳风,太阳辐射物之间的联系流动光线。The OSO has shed new light on the relation between solar flares, winds, and sun radiation.

今年八月,将会出现一次日全食和一次月偏食。Later this year, in August, there will be a total solar eclipse and a partial lunar eclipse.

你知道20世纪最长的日全食正好超过7分钟吗?Did you know that the longest total solar eclipse of the 20th Century was just over 7 minutes?

看到这次日全食的全食阶段的机会来之不易。Other opportunities to see the total phase of this eclipse of the Sun were also hard to come by.

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当出现日全食时,从地球上可以看到太阳的色球层和电晕层。The chromosphere and corona can be seen from Earth when the sun is totally eclipsed by the moon.

据介绍,此次日全食将是2143年来持续时间最久的一次日全食。It is introduced that it will be the longest period of solar totality during the past 2143 years.

日全食期间能看见的只有太阳上部相对模糊的大气,被称为日冕。All that's visible during totality is the sun's relatively faint upper atmosphere, called the corona.