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都夹杂着金线的灿烂。There twines a thread of gold.

她买了一套夹杂着红绿两色的女服。She bought a red and green dress.

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看,进境羊毛中夹杂了羊粪蛋!Look, the Shit in the Imported Wool!

他说话夹杂着南方口音。He speaks with a slight southern accent.

他的散文夹杂着浮夸的修辞。His prose is larded with pompous expressions.

他的散文夹杂着浮夸的修饰措辞。His prose is larded with pompous expressions.

你在什麽地方最常用中英夹杂的言语?!Where do you use mixed-code most frequently?!

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有神论一般都夹杂在宗教之中。Theism generally comes packaged in a religion.

其橡木香夹杂了香草味和雪茄盒香味。The mixture of vanilla oak and cigar box aroma.

你传那张裸照有没有夹杂政治因素?Is there a political element to you posing nude?

他交谈时夹杂了很多俄国谚语。His conversation was larded with Russian proverbs.

那个人在讲话时时常夹杂着外国词儿。The man interlarded his speech with foreign words.

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吹入氩气能增加夹杂物的去除率。Argon bubbling increases the inclusion removal rate.

仰起头看天空,依旧蔚蓝的不夹杂一丝污渍。Looked up at the sky, the blue is not mixed any stain.

草黄色,有杏的香气并夹杂着矿物质的味道。Yellow colour of straw. Apricot nose with mineral aromas.

因夹杂炉渣或耐火材料颗粒而造成的不纯净钢。Dirty steel due to entrapment of slag or pieces of refractory.

这位工程师在他的讲话中夹杂着许多术语。The engineer interlarded his speech with many technical terms.

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因此从夹杂物角度考虑,采用LD-LF-CC工艺可降低生产成本。Thus the production cost can be cut down by adopting LD-LF-CC.

在这阵特别的风中还夹杂着其他的希望。There are other straws of hope blowing in this particular wind.

他闻到荒野地吹来的风,夹杂着山岗最后一片青草地干燥炎热的气息,眼前浮现出东方城镇和森林,以及它们的嘈杂和喧嚣。He imagined the towns and forests of the east, the noise in them.