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申斥、惩罚或骚扰某人。Scold, punish or harass sb.

汤姆因耍小聪明受到了申斥。Tom was sat on for showing off.

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这番申斥获得了高声的喝彩。Loud acclamations hailed this rebuke.

那个学生被他母亲申斥了一顿。The student was shaken up by his mother.

他因玩忽职责而受到严厉的申斥。He was sharply reprimanded for his negligence.

即使受到最严厉的申斥,他也不发抖。After the severest reprimand , he did not tremble.

老师因为她在上课时说话而严厉申斥她。The teacher came down on her for talking in class.

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他由于做作业时马马虎虎而受到申斥。He was castigated for his carelessness in doing homework.

即使上官申斥,亦宜出之以严肃,而不应恶语伤人。Even reproofs from authority, ought to be grave, and not taunting.

当他把分数单交给父母亲看时,他们将严厉申斥他。His parents will reprimand him when he shows them his report card.

我们貌似低语却在申斥滚石漂移,不知道累。We murmur alike reproachfully rolling sands and drift, knowing not why.

比尔常常由于做作业粗枝大叶而受到老师的申斥。Bill was often called down by his teacher for doing homework carelessly.

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我认为,这种公开的申斥应该在北京街头听到。I think such public reprimands should be heard on the streets of Beijing.

由于帝国陷入混乱与焦虑之中,他回避了来自帝国最高统帅部的任何申斥。With the Empire in turmoil, he avoided any reprimand from Imperial High Command.

校长召集学生申斥他们有关跳班的问题。The principal called in the students and laid down the law to them about skipping classes.

他们一致认为,应撤销圣彼得和圣保罗应当公开申斥他的指示所有。Peter should withdraw and that St. Paul should publicly reprehend him, for the instruction of all.

林的家人一遍又一遍地申斥警方,要求“以命偿命”。The forest family member reprimands the police again and again, the request "pays with a life by the life".

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对于婚外情,几乎在全部的国度都受法律限止和道德言论的严正申斥,被视为情意的禁区。For an affair, in all the kingdom almost limit by law and moral rectitude of speech reprimand, as the love the area.

加拿大一家宗教电视台因播放的一个节目声称同性恋者是魔鬼附身而遭到正式的申斥。Canadian religious television station was formally reprimanded for broadcasting a program that claimed homosexuals were possessed by the devil.

北韩流亡者描述过运动员和教练员如何被严苛的申斥宛如2010年的情景。North Korean refugees have described how the team and its coach were subjected to an ideological criticism session similar to the 2010 session.