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我今天监考了两科。I invigilate two subjects today.

今年,我不用监考。I shouldn't invigilate this year.

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上帝保佑,监考老师是大李!God bless, my invigilator was Lee!

他是第二考场的监考员。He was the invigilator of No. 2 Testroom.

孙子出题,儿子监考,老子不会。The son, grandson of the topic, not Lao Tzu.

在任何时间都可以重考在线的无监考的考试。Candidates may not retake a beta exam at any time.

监考人员抓住他在数学考试中作弊。The proctor caught him cheating in the maths exam.

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监考人员将由你所在区域的ASQ部门提供。Proctors are provided by ASQ sections in your area.

我被安排了监考初一的历史。I am arranged to invigilate Junior one's history test.

下午从两点到三点,我又监考了生物。From 2 p. m. to 3 p. m. , I invigilate biology test again.

监考人把我带到指定的电脑钱。The exam proctor cheerfully led me to my assigned computer.

监考老师没有阻止作弊行为。The teacher who invigilated the test didn't stop the cheating.

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每个监考员必须履行监考职责。Every monitor must carry out the invigilating responsibilities.

监考人对她的行为警觉起来,于是走到她跟前问她在做什么。The Moderator, alarmed, approaches her and asks what is going on.

老师们至少应在考前30分钟将试卷交给监考老师。Give the exams to the invigilators at least 30 minutes before the exam.

不同的是,生活中的考试常常是没有人监考的。Different is, the exam in the life often does not have person invigilate.

监考人员要求每一学生出示一张带有照片地身份证。Proctors asked each student ot produce an ID card with an attached photo.

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明天他将监考参加英语考试的所有学生。Tomorrow he will supervise all the pupils taking the English examination.

我需要在第一节课监考生物模拟考试。I need to invigilate the biology practice examination for the first class.

上机考试应在监考老师的指导下完成。Examination Invigilators should be completed under the guidance of teachers.