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我现在累得像一具行尸走肉。I am now tired look like a good-for-nothing.

很多投资者像行尸走肉一般没头脑。Many investors are walking around like zombies.

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你甚至都没有梦想,你这个行尸走肉。You don't have a dream, you lifeless creatures.

萨姆·霍索恩的样子就象具行尸走肉。Sam Hawthorne had the appearance of a walking ghost.

无怪乎“行尸走肉”成了中国人的定义同义语。No wonder now zombies are synonymous with being Chinese.

我们知道什么让我们感觉到还活着,什么让我们行尸走肉。We know what makes us feel alive and what makes us feel dead.

于是这座城市里触目便是行尸走肉般的时尚傀儡。So this city is as eye-catching fashion walking corpses as puppets.

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最后,你觉得自己犹如行尸走肉,失去生活目标。Ultimately, you feel like you’re wandering through life without purpose.

老子,天下第一,臭道士,腐烂的行尸走肉,臭。Lao Tze, world a, smelly Taoist priest, putrefied walking corpse, smelly.

最后,你觉得自己如行尸走肉一般生活毫无目标。Ultimately, you feel like you are wandering through life without purpose.

这个可怕的事实是我们不应该试图如行尸走肉般存在。The unspeakable truth is that we should not try and outlive our usefulness.

在我们周围有那么多行尸走肉般的人,他们却不自知。We have so many people walking around who are dead an d don't even know it.

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像一个没头脑的行尸走肉一样让你更容易忽略事情。Being a mindless zombie can make you more likely to take things for granted.

失去希望,即使才华横溢,也会烟消云散,即使筋强骨健,也是行尸走肉。He who used to be brilliant and strong will no longer shine when hope is gone.

而我则像行尸走肉一般,在家里晃悠,不言不语。But I look like the good-for-nothing to be ordinary, at home shakes, keeps silent.

如不普度众生,既是行尸走肉——因为事奉主是生命的意义。If you are not serving, you are just existing -- because life is meant for ministry.

他开始游戏生活,吃喝嫖赌,彻底堕落为城市的行尸走肉。He started the game of life, drinking, total depravity as city of a dead-alive person.

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根据古代的伏都教和民间传说,诞生了如“行尸走肉”等电影。Through ancient voodoo and folk-lore traditions, shows like the Walking Dead were born.

要是说身体的疾病令人畏惧,那么心理的骚乱则让人失魂落魄,仿佛行尸走肉。If physical diseases are awesome, then mental melees makes one despondent like a zombie.

这样日复一日年复一年行尸走肉般的生活失去了任何存在的价值与意义。Day after day, year after year so zombie-like life loses any value and meaning of existence.