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该公司还在霍普金斯威尔经营着一家烟草收购站。It also operates a tobacco receiving station in Hopkinsville.

高祖学一家在北京市中心经营着一家小小的废品收购站。Gao Zuxue’s family runs a small collection depot in central Beijing.

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废品收购站里一工人在买聚苯乙烯。A worker pays for a delivery of polystyrene at a recycling center in Beijing.

为了得到徽章,他的足迹遍布全省的集贸市场、废品收购站。In order to get the badge, his footprint in the market fair, rejects the file.

如果我们不知道如何再利用废品,我们可以将它买到废品收购站去。If we don't know how to reuse the wastes, we can sell them to the recycling station.

奥驰亚集团在伊丽莎白城有一家收购站,在默里有几家企业办事处。The company also has a receiving station in Elizabethtown and some corporate offices in Murray.

越来越多的城市都在建立大型的废品收购站作为他们环境保护项目的一个组成部分。More and more cities are building large re-cycling centers as part of their environmental protection projects.

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在“三鹿奶粉事件”中,缺陷生鲜乳的生产者-收购站应承担产品责任。In "Milk Powder Scandal", purchasing station, the producers of imperfect raw and fresh milk should undertake responsibility.

“连废品都卖不出个价了”老田最近在去收购站的路上这样说,他的麻袋都快撑破了。“Even trash has become worthless, ” Mr. Tian said recently as he made his way to a collection center, his sacks nearly bursting.

这个团队的带有纸板框架的电动汽车是由来自当地企业和废品收购站的设备捐赠者共同捐赠的设备组成的。The team's electric car with a cardboard frame was put together with equipment donations from local businesses and recycled junk.

已达到国家强制报废标准的机动车,所有人应按废铁卖给废品收购站。If a motorized vehicle has reached the state's mandatory write-off standard, the owner should sell it to a waste recycling station as scrap iron.

非正规的垃圾收购站必须申请营业执照,而政府则要创建或者扩宽垃圾收集项目的门槛,以此来雇佣拾荒者。Informal junk shops should have to apply for licenses, and governments should create or expand doorstep waste collection programs to employ trash pickers.

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在北京一家废品收购站,两名工作人员在整理聚苯乙烯。废品回收业的缩水同样严重影响了收购者和工厂。Two employees sort polystyrene at a recycling center in Beijing. The collapse of the recycling business has affected trash collectors and factories alike.

爹爹无奈,只得命两个儿子将家里那口瘦猪喂得饱饱的,送到镇上生猪收购站换钱。Dad is helpless, be obliged that thin pig in home of two son general feeds the lot fully full, send the live pig on the town to buy a station to change money.

1月4日,熊振林杀死自己废品收购站的6名工人、一名42岁妇女及她2岁的孙子,一周后被警方抓获。Xiong, a junk collector, killed 6 employees of his junkyard along with a 42-year-old woman and the woman's 2-year-old grandson on January 4. He was arrested a week later.