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旧社会暗无天日。The old society was an abyss of darkness.

在旧社会谁还会看得起我们?In the old society, who would look up to us?

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在旧社会很多人要饭。Many people went begging in the old society.

在旧社会,妇女是被人瞧不起的。Womem were looked down upon in the old society.

旧社会谁还会看得起我们?Eg. In the old society, who would look up to us?

在旧社会,它是一个凄凉、肮脏的小镇。In the old days, it was a sad dirty little town.

影片对旧社会进行了无情的鞭挞。The film mercilessly castigates the old society.

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在旧社会,他受尽饥寒交迫之苦。In old society, he was miserable from cold and hunger.

在旧社会,妇女围着锅台转。In the old society, women were confined to the kitchen.

在旧社会,他们像猪一样挤在这小屋里生活。In the old days, they pigged together in the small room.

在旧社会里,那些工作干得最少的人,钱却拿得最多。In the old society, those who worked least got pay most.

在旧社会他们都缺吃少穿。In the old days they were underfed and lacking in clothes.

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在旧社会,长工们受到地主的虐待。Farmhands were cruelly treated by landlords in the old days.

这位老人回想自己在旧社会的悲惨生活。The old man thought about his miserable life in the old days.

在旧社会做苦工的人是被人瞧不起的。People doing hard work were treated like dirt in the old days.

反映旧社会歌女生活的影片。The film reflects the life of singing girls in the old society.

说白了就是旧社会的鸨母,新时代的MB经理人。White said the old society is a bawd , a new era of MB manager.

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在旧社会,官官相护,欺压百姓。In the old society, officials stuck together against the masses.

万恶的旧社会夺走了她三个孩子的生命。The evil old society snuffed out the lives of her three children.

它埋葬了万恶的旧社会、埋葬了世界上的假丑恶。It buried the evils of the old society, the world's Jiachou E buried.