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我听见鸟儿在枝头啾啾。I heard birds chirping in the tree.

听,小鸟枝头哼小曲!Listen, the bird branches hum ditty!

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颤巍巍的花朵缀满枝头上。And all the trembling flowers they bear.

你们一家子都跟着飞上了枝头啦!You a sons all followed to fly up brain!

一只画眉鸟在枝头歌唱。A blackbird was warbling from the branch.

月上枝头,临近午夜,我们的零食时间到了。It was close to mid-night. Time for snacks.

鸟儿在枝头欢快地啾啾鸣唱。The birds chirp merrily at the top of tree.

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注意看那只鸟从枝头飞起来!Watch that bird taking off from the branch!

椴树枝头飘下黄色的花粉。Yellow dust was dropping from the lime trees.

燕雀在果园的枝头啁啾While the chaffinch sings on the orchard bough

鸟儿依旧在枝头欢歌。Birds are still singing happily on the brunches.

没人愿意看到枝头的束束凋花败叶。Nobody wants to look at a bunch of dead flowers.

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红杏枝头春意闹。On pink apricot branches spring is running wild.

透过百叶窗,我看到唐纳德在枝头引吭高歌。From the blind, I see Donald on his singing perch.

牠有那么长的翅膀,却不飞翔,懒懒地站在枝头上。It had so long wings but it didn't fly, perching idly.

冬去春留,酥锈舞,鹊歌枝头。The winter go, crisp rust dance, magpie song branches.

我不被允许像一只独居枝头的薄公英那样闲坐。I am not allowed to sit like a dandelion on my own stem.

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最后这只怪鸟,停在一颗栗树的枝头上。At last, the bird perched on a branch of a chestnut tree.

绿芽盖满枝头,像娇柔的雨珠。The green buds covered the branches like a deliocate rain.

枝头,我的朋友们,将能按你都在我的心上。Adieu, my friends, would I could press you all to my heart.