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我不反对“门当户对”,但也不支持。I do not oppose it, and don't support also.

她那么漂亮,我们根本就不门当户对。She is so cute that I think she is out of my league.

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门当户对,品行相近,年龄相仿,是最完美的婚姻。Like blood , like good and like age , make the happiest marriage.

她觉得这样才算是门当户对,对得起我们洛家的身份。She feels that just being regarded as like this is of equal status, to the identity that must heave our Luo house.

我向他提出忠告是唯一的顾虑是替他着想,因为她配不让他,而且跟他并不门当户对。My only scruple in advising the match was on his account, as being beneath his deserts, and a bad connexion for him.

女士们都参与了一场婚纱秀活动,并一展她们的歌喉与舞姿。在才艺展示环节,她们甚至还为彼此门当户对的征婚者们展示厨艺。Ladies took part in a wedding gown show and also sang, danced, even cooked for their moneyed suitors during a talent program.

女子如衣服换来换去,又有交情甚笃的固定女朋友,门当户对,郎才女貌。The woman, such as clothes, changes around, and then has friendship very the fixed girl friend of Du, of equal status, perfect match.

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的确,在这个物欲纵横、生活压力较大的社会,门当户对是显得多么的理所当然。Indeed, in this desire for material welfare vertically and horizontally , the life pressure big society, is properly matched is appears naturalness how.

然而,即使是门当户对的“富二代”夫妇,他们的父母还是坚持认为签署婚前协议是必须的,一旦离婚,可以避免财产纠纷。However even for well-matched fuerdai couples, their parents insist prenuptial agreements are still vital to prevent conflicts in the event of a divorce.

是否门当户对不要紧,最重要应该是兴当趣对,不然没有共同语言,即使在一起,仍然会感觉到孤独。Whether the most important unimportant, equal to should be hing when interest, otherwise there is no common language, even together, will still feel lonely.

然而,即使是门当户对的“富二代”夫妇,他们的父母还是坚持认为签署婚前协议是必须的,一旦离婚,可以避免财产纠纷。According to data provided by a Shanghai law firm, almost 90 percent of the divorce disputes it handles between people without prenups are over the division of property.

这项典型的英式活动曾是年轻女孩踏入宫廷的大好机会,她们可在舞会上找到门当户对的金龟婿。The quintessentially English event was intended as an opportunity for young girls to be presented at court where they might find a future husband from a suitable bloodline.

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“我只要能看到一个女儿在尼日斐花园幸福地安了家,”班纳特太太对她的丈夫说,“看到其他几个也匹配得这样门当户对,此生就没有别的奢望了。”"If I can but see one of my daughters happily settled at Netherfield, " said Mrs. Bennet to her husband, "and all the others equally well married, I shall have nothing to wish for."