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有一个沙底要疏浚。There is a sandy bottom to dredge.

通过疏浚保持河道的深度。The depth of the river is maintained by dredging.

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疏浚解决河口淤积问题只治标。Dredging is only a temporary solution to this problem.

在常熟,到上周大部分的河流都已疏浚完毕。Here in Changshu, by last week most rivers had been dredged.

这条运河如果不经常疏浚,就会淤塞。The canal would soon fill up with mud if not regularly dredged.

使用两个叉,蘸蛋液入面粉疏浚鱼。Using two forks, dip the flour-dredged fish into the egg mixture.

在这之后,我们应该种更多的树,疏浚河流还要打扫公路。After that we should plant more trees, clean the road and the river.

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有关部门正在疏浚河道,恢复河道交通。Authorities are dredging a channel to allow river traffic to resume.

对大禹疏浚三峡的传说,古人大多是相信的。Dayu dredging on the legend of the Three Gorges, the ancients are the trust.

疏浚区水深增加,湖容扩大,提高了草海的调蓄能力。The water depth in the dredged area and the volume of the lake were increased.

疏浚将在接下来数年中持续,直至这条河中没有PCB物质。Dredging will continue over the next few years, after which the river should be PCB-free.

介绍了自主研发的三维地形与疏浚绞刀仿真系统。The independent-developed 3D simulation system for terrain and cutterhead was introduced.

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禹从江州东下来到了三峡,便开始疏浚三峡的工程。Yu from East Jiangzhou down to the Three Gorges, Three Gorges will begin dredging project.

我公司疏浚抓斗采用日本技术,滑轮轴承采用迷宫式密封,大大提高了抓斗的使用寿命。Our company adopts Japanese technology , Using labyrinth seal, pulley bearing and makes the time of use longer.

1926年为整治黄浦江河道,当时的浚浦局用疏浚之淤泥吹填成月牙形的人工岛,这就是复兴岛的由来。It is a man-made island heaped up by silt when the authorities undertook to dredge up the Huangpu River in 1926.

最后对中船龙穴造船基地支航道疏浚工程项目进行了实证分析。In the end of this paper, we analyze the dredging project of sub channel in Zhongchua Longxue ship building base.

该方法可对疏浚驳船违规倾倒疏浚泥沙的现象起到一定的监督作用。This method can provide supervision to some extent on the illegal dumping of dredged sediment from dredging barge.

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运土的卡车正在疏浚狭窄被脏水填满的河,垃圾车一周来三次。Earth-moving trucks are dredging the narrow, sewage-filled river, and garbage trucks pass through three times a week.

正如治水一般,筑坝堵水只能起一时之效,却埋藏下了一个重大的隐患,只有疏浚河道,使之排入江河湖海,才能从根本上解决问题。So, only dredge the river to the sea into the rivers, lakes and sea, that in order to solve the problem fundamentally.

去年秋天北京当局疏浚了运河并在接下来的几个月里对运河进行整修装饰。Last autumn the Beijing city authorities dredged the canal and for the next few months they were doing some refurbishments.