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人民警察必须做到公正执法。Police must enforce law justly.

在你需要人民警察的时候他们在哪里?Where are the Peoples Police when you need them?

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走失的孩子由一个人民警察领回来了。The lost child was led back by a people's policeman.

这一切要靠高素质的监狱人民警察来完成。All these depend on high-quality people's police in prisons.

公正执法是人民警察执法活动追求的目标和价值。Justice is the target and value of police's law enforcement.

国家化大都市需要具有国际化素质的人民警察!An international city needs police with international qualifications.

第二条人民警察实行警衔制度。Article 2 A system of police ranks shall be practised for the people's police.

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第二十五条人民警察依法实行警衔制度。Article 25 The people's police shall practise the system of police ranks according to law.

岗前培训是实现青年教师职业专业化的重要保证,公安院校的教师负担着培养人民警察的重任。The pre-job training of is an important guarantee to achieve the profession of young teachers.

离休、退休的人民警察犯罪的,适用前款的规定。The provisions in the preceding paragraph shall apply to the retired people's police who commit crimes.

通过规范监狱人民警察的执法行为,使罪犯的正当权利避免受到侵犯。Standardization of the conduct of prison police prevents infringement on the proper rights of prisoners.

全心全意为人民服务是公安工作和公安机关人民警察的根本宗旨。Serving the people wholeheartedly is the cardinal target for the work of security and the peoples police.

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人民警察应当积极参加抢险救灾和社会公益工作。People's policemen shall take an active part in rescue and relief work as well as in social welfare services.

人民警察执法能力是党的执政能力在公安工作中的具体体现。Police law enforcement capacity is a concrete reflection of our party's reign capacity in public security work.

人民警察非警务活动的增加,影响了人民警察执法活动的进行和工作效率的提高。The increasing of non -police affairs effect the peopled police enforcing the law and improving their rate of work.

人民警察在办理刑事案件过程中的回避,适用刑事诉讼法的规定。The withdrawal of a people's policeman in handling a criminal case shall be governed by the Criminal Procedure Law.

第二十一条人民警察违犯警纪的,可以给予警衔降级的处分。Article 21 The people's police who violate the police discipline may be punished with a demotion in the police ranks.

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公安院校培养的是未来的人民警察,必须具有很高的思想政治道德素质。Public security college is the cradle of people's police, who have to bear highly ideological-political moral quality.

第二十二条人民警察被开除公职的,其警衔相应取消。Article 22 The people's police who are expelled from public service shall be deprived of their police ranks accordingly.

中国的警徽是人民警察的标志和象征,由国徽、盾牌、长城、松枝组成。China's police badge is a sign and symbol of the people, by the national emblem, a shield, the Great Wall, pine composition.