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那么索性放松一下。So relax.

我翻了个身,索性挤上了眼。I turned over, so crowded on the eye.

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我会索性将它们全部忘掉吗?Would I just as well forget about them altogether?

既然已经骂开了,他索性也不道歉。Since he had made the blasphemy he did not apologize.

现在我们索性不管它们,而是尝试推广其他活动。Now we just ignore them and try to promote other activities.

——于是乎,他索性给把英语扔到一边,弃文学武,到“地球人都知道”武功最高的“孤独九剑”那里拜师学艺去也。He went to learn it from world famous Master Lonely Nine Swords.

我就索性邋邋遢遢,看到我的人都会认为我睡觉不脱衣服。I cheerfully bag and sag and look as if I have slept in my suits.

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他总是说要辞职不干,最后他们索性请他真的辞职。He keeps telling quiting, at last they dismiss him from his job simply.

很多商店的招牌都是中俄双语,有的索性只有俄语。Many signboards of here are in bilingual, some are even only in Russian.

很多人索性自定规则,自行决定哪些时间和场合该摘帽子。Many are making up their own rules about when and where to take them off.

她一生气索性撕破面子了。As she got into a temper, she simply cast aside all considerations of face.

当然,圣诞年光不能完全没有利落索性的喝酒。And of course Christmas time wouldn't be complete without the perfect drink.

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在剪片室里,哈吉斯忽然想抽根烟,所以我们索性出去散步。In the editing room, Haggis felt the need for a cigarette, so we walked outside.

陈老师热得满头大汗,索性将蓝色衬衣的扣子解开。Chen is full of sweat with heat so that he has to untie the buttons of blue shirt.

我那时候想,好吧,我本来就是个性对象,那我就索性把这想法摆台面上好了。I thought, well, I'm a sex object anyway, I might as well have it out on the table.

关于友情链接的提问比较多,索性一次解决吧,相关的问题,请套用。Questions about the links are more simply an address bar, related issues, please apply.

她从自行车上摔下来时头被撞了一下,索性没有受伤。She got a bump on the head when she fell off her bicycle, but thankfully she wasn't hurt.

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与其错分不如不分,我索性统统使用“模因”这个术语。So on the grounds that a false distinction is worse than none I stuck to the term "meme".

这名硬汉一定觉得烧著衣服比烧著屁股麻烦,所以他索性赤裸上阵。This 'tough guy' obviously thinks that his clothes are more important than a burnt bottom.

索性停下来,在晚些时候或者第二天头脑清醒的时候,继续该工作。Stop working on it and get back at a later time or tomorrow where you'll have a fresh mind.