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我一直都有臆想症。I've always been a hypochondriac.

你在空中捕捉的又是哪种臆想中的飞鸟?And what vaporous birds do you hunt in the sky?

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我大笑着说他一定是在臆想这些事情。I laughed and said he must be imagining things.

于是,不再强烈的臆想退为梦境。So, those not-so-strong imagines become dreams.

这个数字并非来自科学家们的主观臆想。The figure is not plucked from their imaginations.

臆想症是我唯一没有得的病。Hypochondria is the only illness that I don't have.

桃花落去,一场雨揉捻了飘荡的臆想。Peach drop go rain rolled a drift of the conjecture.

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也许只是个臆想,从杂乱无章的生活里蹦出的臆想。Maybe it's just a fantasy, emerged from the disordered life.

战争。媒体不因该议定一些愚蠢的臆想来炒作新闻。Media should not make stupid assumptions to sell their news.

像这样的臆想的问题通常隐藏真实性的。Imaginary problems such as these are usually hiding real ones.

钢琴在交货之前就已经调试良好,这只能是臆想。This is assuming that the piano was properly prepped prior to delivery.

一个是“真实的”发生,而另外一个则是梅瑞迪斯的臆想场景。One happens "for real" and the other is a figment of Meredith's imagination.

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我听到有人对臆想的原告说,你没有健康,你没有家庭“I heard one of them say to an imaginary suitor, "and you without health or a home."

但是,仅有臆想出神灵的能力,还不足以导致宗教兴起。The ability to conceive of gods, however, is not sufficient to give rise to religion.

成都植物园能满足你一切悠适怀古的臆想。Chengdu botanical garden can satisfy your fitness perform all leisurely and nostalgic.

我必须承认我对寄宿家庭的样子做过臆想和假设。I have to admit I had some assumptions as to what these family lodging would look like.

它建立在非白人需要白人救世主来领导他们的正义之战的臆想之上。It rests on the assumption that nonwhites need the White Messiah to lead their crusades.

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有人臆想我们在分析破坏中国安定团结局面的后果。Imagine we were analyzing the consequences of a threat to China's stability and cohesion.

只是先前对共和国的臆想却随着行程的推进逐渐崩裂了。But it was during that trip that cracks began to form in my image of the People's Republic.

在登月只存在于大多数人梦境中的时侯,在月球上挥杆,往往也只能让球友们臆想下。Even landing on the moon only exists in most people's dreams, let along playing golf there.