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在30年代的事。This was in the 30s.

这是一个个性张扬的年代。This is a personalism age.

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每一个年代都是有天兵的…This is the generation gap!

当时是二十世纪七十年代。This was back in the 1970s.

来日诰日是大年代朔。Tomorrow is New Year's Day.

可八零年代却似乎是很古老的。But 80s seems to be ancient.

那是50年代流行的款式。It's like very 1950's style.

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远至亚里士多德的年代?Do you think that's possible?

只需看看70年代,-没错。Just look at the '70s. -Right.

像堵白墙一样…太50年代风格了吧。Like the white walls, so 50's.

第四个阶段是六十年代And the fourth one is the '60s.

他于十八世纪八十年代中期写下这段话He wrote this in the mid-1780s.

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他们之间年代相隔久远。He's too long after their death.

进入人类世-人类的年代Enter the Anthropocene—Age of Man

勒迈里判断该墓志铭的年代为公元63年。Lemaire dates the object to 63 A.

那大概是90年代中期。That was probably in the mid 90s.

它使用于放射性碳年代测定法。And its use in radiocarbon dating.

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在二十年代有一种,投机商号。In the 20s we had the bucket shop.

但从地质年代上来说,它还是一个婴儿。That's a baby in geological terms.

这是在1970年代了。And that dates back into the 1970s.