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不要竞争。Do not compete.

但芬尼有竞争对手。But Feeny has competition.

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围棋是一种战略竞争。Go is a strategic contest.

没有竞争,就没有进步。No competion, no progress.

只与自己竞争。Compete only with yourself.

这是一声竞争十分激烈的赛马。It was a nip-and-tuck race.

和其他网页客户端竞争?Competition for the Web App?

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没有竞争,没有进步。No competition, no pro GREss.

苹果与微软竞争。Apple competes with Microsoft.

竞争向任何人敞开大门。Competition is open to anyone.

竞争没什么不好意思的。The competition isn't bashful.

敲空和捧起竞争。Knock-out and cup competitions.

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到目前为止,苹果的竞争对手都溃不成军。Rivals have been routed so far.

因此,竞争是你死我活的。So it is cutthroat competition.

那么竞争是友好的?So the competition is friendly?

但现在二者是竞争对手。But now the two are competitors.

假面舞会竞争的好吗?Masquerade competition is doing?

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是完全竞争产出That's the competitive quantity.

他们决定跟我们竞争。They decided to compete with us.

您的竞争方正在做什么事情使您很担心?What are your competitors doing?