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瑞思考勒,这位62岁退休的授勋陆军上校,多年前就开始关注世界贸易中心的安保问题。World Trade Center for years.

安保人员和和谐之钟。Security guard with the Harmony Bell.

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这样的安保措施很可能过头了。Such security measures may well be overkill.

而喀布尔的安保行业则是种黑吃黑的局面。The industry in Kabul is far more dog-eat-dog.

例如安保条约,还有广岛。the pitch of rights, and a little bit about Hiroshima.

每次我离开房间时候,都有安保特工在监视。A security detail shadowed me whenever I left the room.

你会认为安保措施肯定是铁板一块的东西。You’d think security would be a one-size-fits-all thing.

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中方采取严格的安保措施是担心什么?What are your concerns with such strict security measures?

Wiley觉得这些安保措施没什么大不了。Wiley doesn't see "any big deal" with the security measures.

为了保证赏灯百姓的安全,地方官员在安保方面也是下足了工夫。Local officials worked hard to ensure the safety of visitors.

勒克瑙的Amausi机场的安保也加强了。Security has also been tightened at Lucknow's Amausi airport.

迪拜塔的揭幕仪式将在严格的安保措施下举行。The opening of Burji Dubai will be held under strict security.

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日本针对美国联军的安保法这周已经生效了。Japan law to defend US and allied troops takes effect this week.

一名负责人已经表示,故宫的安保措施确实存在疏漏。One official has already said that there was a lapse in security.

这一点的安保是由安全门和安全开关触头来实现的。This is safeguarded by a safety door and a safety switching contact.

“安保飞船,”他简洁地说,“我们得赶快回去。”"Security vehicle, " he said tersely. "We'd better get to our ship. "

奥运会组委会可以设立专门负责安保的职能部门。The OCOG may establish a functional area dealing with Security aspects.

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迪沙佛发现了杰克的行为,责怪他违背了安保措施。DeSalvo catches Jack in the act and admonishes him for breaching security.

唐文玖立即向萍乡市博物馆馆长彭安保报告。Donovan nine immediately to Pingxiang Museum Manager Peng security report.

这起罕见的案件引起了有关故宫安保松懈的广泛批评。The rare theft led to widespread criticism over lax security at the palace.