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我们想要别人转发它。We want people to re-tweet.

那些转发的网站,也BS下。Those transponders website, also under the BS.

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观看者可以转发视频链接。A viewer can still forward the link to to others.

关闭路由器广播包的转发。Shut down the router forwarding broadcast packets.

他要求Twitter用户不要再转发这类信息。He asked Twitter users not to re-post the messages.

如果您找到感兴趣的内容,您可以在Meme进行转发。If you find content that you like, you may repost it.

呼叫转移为何不像邮件转发那么容易?Why isn't call forwarding as easy ase-mail forwarding?

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因为它有意思,而且它能鼓励用户转发更多博文!Because it’s fun, and it encourages users to tweet more!

使用卫星转发架构的COTM应用。COTM applications using transponded satellite architectures.

对来自成员的VLAN的非标记帧进行转发。Forwards untagged frames from VLANs in which it is a member.

站波模式使包转发在第2层的水平。Station WDS mode enables packet forwarding at layer 2 level.

美国宇航局转发了她的图片,媒体采访跟着蜂拥而至。NASA retweeted her photo and media requests began pouring in.

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这是一条单位的机密消息,转发时要谨慎。This is a company Confidential message. Forward with caution.

转发却不这样,它对最终用户是透明的。Forwarding, on the other hand, is transparent to the end user.

MAC地址表提供了迅速查找和包转发。MAC address table provides swift lookup and packet forwarding.

我的报告列示最多的转发,从多到少进行排序。My report will list top retweeters, sorted from most to least.

为端口转发进行用户空间路由则可以消除这些问题。Userland routing for port forwarding eliminated these problems.

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配置所有的路由器来转发BOOTP广播帧。A. Configure all of the routers to route BOOTP broadcast frames.

MPLS网络技术的数据转发依赖于标签。The MPLS network technology data retransmission relies on label.

猫塔上住着七个猫咪幸运神,转发就会有好事情发生哦。Seven lucky Gods, wishes great fortune toall, from the Cat Tower.