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但我们是否该因噎废食呢?But shall we stop eating for fear of choking?

听起来有些理,其实是个因噎废食的逻辑。It sounds reasonable but it is actually a fallacy.

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人们不会因噎废食。People won't stop eating just because of the risk of choking.

但为了躲避伤病而因噎废食的做法只能是适得其反。But to not practice, to not get an injury would be counterproductive.

不过他说,我努力让自己不要因噎废食,而是做点事。However, he said, 'I'm trying to not freak out and just do something.

听起来有理,其实是个因噎废食的逻辑。These remarks sound reasonable, yet in fact they are quite illogical.

他们的担心和顾虑是正常的,但是我们不能因噎废食。Theirworries and considerations are justified, but we should not give up eating for choking.

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尽管训练期间有出现死亡事故,但我们不能因噎废食。Though some deaths happened during the training, we should not give up eating for fear of choking.

不要因噎废食,不要“八公山上,草木皆兵”,把很多香花都看作毒草。Do not give up eating for fear of choking, don't" in the state of extreme nervousness", put a lot of flowers as poisonous weeds.

坏人固然要防备,但坏人毕竟是少数,人不能因噎废食,不能为了防备极少数坏人连朋友也拒之门外。Beware of bad people of course, but the bad guys are few, can not unworthy, not to prepare for a handful of bad guys with a friend the door.

作为一种新兴的信息获取手段,其存在有许多积极的社会意义,不能因噎废食一概加以否定。As a newly-emerging means of getting information, its existence has a lot of positive social meanings, which means we can not deny sweepingly.

当然也不一定要因噎废食,土地资源估值的情况下,可能局部区域建设垃圾焚烧是合适的。Of course, it's not necessary to tolerate waste. when land is being surveyed, some areas may be suitable for the construction of incineration facilities.

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这些是前进中的问题,我们要正视并设法解决,但不能因噎废食。We should face these problems and tackle them, instead of taking no action, as we Chinese like to say, one should not stop eating for fear of getting choked.

面对这些前车之鉴,我们要扼腕叹息,要反思奋起,最不能做的就是因噎废食。Learns from another's mistakes facing these, we must grasp the wrists the sigh, must reconsider rises spiritedly , most cannot do is gives up eating for fear of choking.

从另一个方面讲,我国同样不能就此“因噎废食”,应积极推行证券化创新产品,以便提升银行核心竞争力。On the other side of the coin, we can neither throw away the apple because of the core, for the improvement of bank core competencies is our intensive concern significantly.

问题和进步是共存的,我们不能因噎废食,放弃刑法在哈萨克民族地区的变通适用。Problems and progress coexist, we can not throw out the child along with the bath, and give up criminal law in the Kazakh ethnic minority areas are applicable mutatis mutandis.

但是,如果为了防止图像背叛自己,就禁止图像传播,又会因噎废食。Protecting the picture betraying itself, the picture is prohibited, it get to refuse to eat for fear of choking. The picture and the power are just destined pradoxically lover.