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对于溶血性贫血。Hemolytic anemias.

血性溢液最为常见。Bloody discharge is the most common type.

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巴贝斯虫病能引起犬只的溶血性贫血。Babesiosis can cause hemolytic anemia in dogs.

失血性休克是死亡的主要原因。The main cause of death was hemorrhagic shock.

失血性休克是死亡的主要原因。The main reason of death was hemorrhagic shock.

结果是造成渐进性的溶血性贫血。The result is a progressive haemolytic anaemia.

转移性肿瘤可导致出血性心包炎。Metastases may lead to a hemorrhagic pericarditis.

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肠出血性大肠杆菌可引起出血腹泻和腹部疼痛。EHEC can cause bloody diarrhoea and abdominal pain.

局部缺血性中风是最普遍的一种中风。Ischaemic stroke is the most common type of stroke.

急性缺血性中风属于中医“中风”范畴。The acute ischemic stroke belongs to Apoplexy in TCM.

我们需要看的是你们打出男儿血性!What we want to see is your guys playing as bloody men!

它并不能防止溶血性链球菌的感染。It does not prevent infection by hemolytic streptococci.

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不过,研究报告显示,食用鱼肉与出血性中风没有联系。Fish consumption was not associated with hemorrhagic stroke.

评价抑肽酶对缺血性脑水肿的抑制作用。Evaluate the anti-action of Aprotinin in ischemic brain edema.

GTS-21可改善局部缺血性脑组织损坏以及提高生存率。GTS-21 ameliorated ischemic brain damage and improved survival.

溶血性黄疸发生于马和猪的初生幼畜。Hemolytic icterus occurs in the neonate of the horse and swine.

舟状骨缺血性坏死的原因有很多。Avascular necrosis of scaphoid is related to various etiologies.

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结果缺血性脑损伤可促进成年大鼠齿状回的细胞增殖。RESULTS Ischemia enhanced cell proliferation in DG of adult rats.

结论新生血管性青光眼多继发于眼部缺血性疾病。Conclusions NVG was commonly secondary to ocular ischemic disease.

采用心脏穿刺法建立小鼠失血性休克模型。The hemorrhagic shock mouse model was reproduced by heart puncture.