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而现今我恍然跟随的,却是如此单薄的魂灵!And not the thin ghost that I now frailly follow!

恍然间,她离开了我建立了自己的生活。Soon, too soon, she left and started her own life.

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衣被都开始氤氲着潮湿气味,恍然间如置身南国。Clothes and quilt are permeated with damp senses, like being in the south.

恍然间,你又坐上了旋转木马,好像永远不会停下来。Once, you did ride a carrousel. It seemed as though it would last forever.

恍然间,彼岸花开,血色花蕊,引渡着迷惘的游魂。Come to realize, the Bana open, bloody flower, the extradition of the Lost souls.

莉安娜静静地站在门口。她这才恍然觉悟到底发生了什么事。Liana stood on the doorway silently. She just came round to realise what had happened.

所有扮演了月熊大使的朋友齐上舞台,大家恍然,我们可以是月熊…The moment came when all attention were focused on moon bear, the lovely being and our friend.

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当你明白了某件事后,才恍然醒悟,原来真真切切的生活就在眼前。When you understand something before we suddenly wake up, the original so true life is at hand.

它恍然明白,鸟意欲赶追人类是多么异想天开。It suddenly occurred to the bird that it was the most fantastic idea for birds to catch up with man.

接下来的日子我仔细研究了艾希曼的文件,并恍然明白了其中的难处。I studied the thick Eichmann file in the days that followed and found myself profoundly apprehensive.

无论走到哪里,我时常恍恍然分不清哪个是我自己,是走在我身边这孩子呢,还是套在我裤子里那家伙。Everywhere we went I had trouble making out whichwas I, the one walking at my side, the one walking in my pants.

韦德和波什同意效力于南佛罗里达州,本已恍然如梦,而如今,迈阿密三巨头的可能性更让人悬而未决。In the wake of Wade, and Bosh agreeing to play in South Florida, visions of Miami Thrice now stand in the balance.

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这提醒了杉木,杉木恍然自己被黄鸣锋骗了,黄鸣锋肯定偷到了密码本。This is a reminder of the fir fir suddenly he was misled by huang feng, huang feng must have stolen your password.

在这场一败涂地的预算之战中,施瓦辛格先生恍然又回到了2003年他踏上那场卓越的政治征途之时。In this budget debacle, Mr. Schwarzenegger found himself back where his remarkable political journey began in 2003.

她还在盯着你看,你恍然明白,其实她看穿了你。她像是一台大功率扫描仪,记录着你。And as she continues to stare, you realize she sees you. And like a high-powered scanning machine she's recording you.

“我们的客户恍然间说道,喔,原来在我们的后院还能买到更便宜的东西”,登斯科主席老亚瑟·曼恩说道。"All of a sudden our customers are saying, Whoops, it's cheaper to buy in our backyard, '" says Donsco Chairman Art Mann Sr.

先是愕然,继而恍然“。安看起来太像娜塔莉•波特曼了,以至于我见到她愣了一下才搞清楚是她。If you do a double-take, something is so surprising that you have to look twice before you really understand what you are seeing.

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休闲小憩静坐其中,约三五知己,品一杯香浓咖啡。恍然间,心随瀑动,天人合一的感觉油然而生。Sit here in leisure with several friends over a nice cup of coffee, you will spontaneously feel the harmony between nature and man.

完成这次搜捕的森林警察的首领把这大笔的“战利品”放在局里的冰箱里,放了数周之后才恍然觉悟到这些鱼子酱快要变质了。The head of the local forest police who carried out the raid kept the bounty in barrack fridges for several weeks, but realised it would soon go bad.

莎士比亚绅士,她开口说道,接着启齿一笑,这微笑犹如春天早晨的旭日,我恍然明白,为什么全英国人民如此爱戴女王。Mr Shakespeare, she began. Then she smiled, and suddenly you knew why all Englishmen loved the Queen. It was like the sun coming out on a spring morning.