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有请一位好手。A good player pls.

做针线活儿,她可是把好手。She is adept at needlework.

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我们凯西是垒球好手。We Caseys are baseball legends.

我会按排好手头的工作的。I will schedule my work on hand.

什么是爬坡好手最喜欢作的事?What do good climbers like to do?

好手对你的赢利是非常大的损害。Regs are super costly to your profit.

火车好手驶时跳上去是很危险的。It is dangerous to jump off a moving train.

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易建联还将证明他是个招财进宝的好手。Yi could also prove a nice recruiting tool.

他是写小品文的好手。He is a champion at writing familiar essays.

他又是著名的幽默家和讲故事的好手。He was also a famous humorist, a spinner of yarns.

刚开始我以为你根本没救,但妳真是天生好手。I thought you'd be hopeless, but you're a natural.

当然,有些马拉松好手确实穿胶底运动鞋跑步。True, some elite marathoners do run sans sneakers.

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砍价好手清楚什么时候空手而归。A good haggler knows when to walk away empty-handed.

砍价好手通常都是乐观欢快,礼貌和耐心的。Good hagglers are always upbeat, polite and patient.

本次英国赛事中最佳的盯人好手之一。One of the best man-to-man markers in the English game.

那丑星被认为是个逗乐子的好手。The star clown was considered a master of witty banter.

我对他成为自己领域里的顶尖好手表示祝贺。And I congratulate him on being the best at what he does.

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在这儿我损失了一个好手你他妈的想让我怎么办?I lost a good man here . What the fuck do you want with me?

各家好手齐聚的麒麟艺高的面试会场。Each ace of kylin daredevil gathered in the interview venue.

“你能成,”乔回答,“你很肯干,真像把好手。"You'll do, " Joe answered. "You take hold like a good fellow.