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绍兴酒变得好喝。Hsiaohsing Wine tastes good.

绍兴酒很好喝。Shaoxing wine tastes very good.

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绍兴酒被看作国酒。Shaoxing wine is regard as the national wine.

把糖、梳打粉和绍兴酒加入鸡件内。Mix the chicken pieces with sugar, soda and wine.

绍兴酒属米酒类,品之香味诱人,有点象日本的清酒。We like Shao Xing rice wine because it tastes good.

他们说绍兴酒很不错。这又是什么样的酒?。They say that Shaoxing wine tastes quite good. What's it?

简介挑选新鲜猪腿肉,精心调理、烘烤,加上绍兴酒,风味十足。Selection of fresh pork, well conditioning, baking, adding Shaoxing, full flavor.

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绍兴酒属米酒类,品之香味诱人,有点象日本的清酒。Shaoxing wine belongs to rice wine , it tastes wonderful and likes Japan 's wine.

绍兴酒属米酒类,品之香味诱人,有点象日本的清酒。Shaohsing wine is a kind of arack. It is tasty and smells good, some like Japanese sake.

将鳕鱼洗净并抹干水分,用绍兴酒及盐抹匀鱼身,腌一阵子。Wash fish and wipe dry. Brush evenly with Shaoxing wine and salt. Marinate for some time.

绍兴酒2400多年的历史和会稽山息息相关。The history of more than 2400 years of Shaoxing rice wine combined with the Kuaiji Mountain.

我经常用绍兴酒煮菜。今年冬天我可能会尝试去喝喝热的绍兴酒。I onlyused shaoxing wine for cooking. I might give hot shaoxing wine a try thiscoming winter.

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绍兴酒属米酒类,品之香味诱人,有点象日本的清酒。Shaohsing wine is made of rice, just like the Tsing wine in Japan, fragrant and sweet in mouth.

绍兴酒属米酒类,品之香味诱人,有点象日本的清酒。Shaoxing wine is a sort of rice wine, it is attractive by fragrant , like the Qing wine in Japan.

几乎每个杂货店都有出售黄酒,但是有时候被成为老酒或者绍兴酒。Prettymuch every grocery store has huangjiu, but sometimes it is called laojiu orShaoxing wine instead.

红糟是绍兴酒的酒糟,具有独特的香味,及天然的红色色泽,富有丰富的营养。Red vinasse is the vinasse of Shaohsing Wine, it has unique aroma, natural red color and rich of nutrition.

如果说鉴湖是“绍兴酒之母”,那么会稽山则是“绍兴酒之父”。If Jian Lake is "the mother of Shaoxing rice wine", then the Kuaiji Mountain is "the father of Shaoxing rice wine".

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溶解氧在绍兴酒的酿造、贮存中也是一个重要工艺参数,但目前还未引起重视。The dissolved oxygen was an important technical parameter in Shaoxing rice wine brewing and storage, but did not get deserved concern.

特别是老板并没有加入黄酒,而是采用肉骨茶汤与绍兴酒一起敖煮。Boss also told that he does not add in Glutinous Rice Wine but he cook the chicken with bak kut teh soup and put in some Shao Hing wine.

以2茶匙橄榄油爆香姜片,放入红衫鱼略煎,浇绍兴酒,然后注入4碗水。Heat 2 tsp olive oil to stir-fry ginger slices, put golden thread fin fish to shallow-fry, dust Shaoxing wine, then pour 4 bowls of water.