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并设有中共上海市财贸党校。And with the CPC Shanghai Municipal FINANCE COMMITTEE.

1992年于湖南省委党校大学专科毕业。He graduated from Hunan Provincial Party College in 1992.

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教学质量是党校函授教育的生命线。Teaching quality is the lifeblood of the party school correspondence education.

1998年党校毕业,主修马克思主义哲学。He graduated from the Party School in 1998 after majoring in Marxist philosophy.

西南交大大年夜峨眉校区第三十六期党校优良学员。Southwest Jiaotong University, Emei Campus 36th Party Schools talented students.

中共贵阳市委党校2010年春季县干二班。Party School of C. P. C GuiYang Municipal Committee, 2nd Cadre Class of Spring 2010

校际交流是办好党校的重要环节。Carry on the intercollegiate exchange is the important link to run the party school.

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现在培训官员的党校在强调思想教育的同时也注重管理能力的培养。Party schools that groom officials now stress administrative skills as well as ideology.

最终实现潍坊市委党校阅览室报刊管理需要的信息系统。Weifang Municipal Party Yuelan Shi eventually need to press the management information system.

分党校是新形势下高校适应强化党建工作需要的必然产物。Sub-Party school is the product of reinforcement in the Party construction in the new situation.

文章针对当前高校党校师资队伍建设的相关问题加以论述。This paper talks about current teaching staff construction of party schools in higher institutes.

靳薇曾于2001年至2003年间,在中央党校接受培训的官员中做过类似调查。Jin Wei in 2001 to 2003, trained at the Central Party School officials conducted a similar survey.

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上周,中共中央党校首次向国内外的媒体记者打开了大门。Last week, the Central Party School opened its door to domestic and foreign media for the first time.

大学生党校是党性锻造的熔炉、后备力量的摇篮。College students'Party school is a the furnace of Party spirit forging and the cradle of reserve forces.

他们把自己的儿子带到普林斯顿,一个明显是党校的地方,Judy在那里吃了几瓶什么东西,不慎得了狂暴症。They take their son away to Princeton, apparently a party school, where Judy eats some pot and goes berserk.

在这次党校开学的同时,全太行区开始整风运动。As this term of the Party School begins, the rectification movement is commencing throughout the Taihang area.

他将会见中国领导人,在中国中央党校讲话,我希望他能会见中国媒体。He met with chinese leaders and made a speech in the Central Party School. He also spoke with the Chinese media.

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高校自身的特殊性决定了高校党校与地方党校有一定的区别。The specialization of university determined the difference between party school of university and that of region.

本文对高校“两课”教育与党校教育融合的相关问题加以论述。This pager discusses questions related to the integration of "two-class" education and the Party School education.

现任泉州市委党校哲学教研室副教授、福建省哲学学会理事。She is currently an associate professor of philosophy in department of Fujian Quanzhou Municipal party school of C. PC.