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今年,交易则带来了暴利。This year, trading has generated windfalls.

过去那种“暴利”没商量的行情已失去了生存土壤。Now the situation has lost its survival soil.

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这些营寨和障碍是暴利检查站。These camps and roadblocks are the checkpoints of violence.

但这依然影响了建材市场的暴利。But it still affected building materials market profiteering.

据估计,这类活动牟取的暴利每年可达几十亿美元。By some estimates, it generates billions of dollars each year.

街头拍客,重启摄影行业暴利时代!Street Photographer, Photography Industry Profits Restart Times!

街头拍客,暴利惊人,成就您的梦想!Street Photographer, Amazing Profits! Achievement Of Your Dreams!

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暴利最大的贸易是糖和甜酒。The most lucrative trade in the region was in sugar cane and rum.

街头拍客DIY个性饰品,暴利成为可能!Street Photographer DIY Personalized Jewelry, Huge Profits Possible!

住宅成了少数一些富人囤积居奇谋取暴利的手段。The houses have become a few rich people's means of cornering and profiteering.

过去那种“暴利”没商量的行情已失去了生存土壤。In the past the kind of " profiteering" Now the situation has lost its survival soil.

首先,政府应该遏制房地产市场囤积居奇以谋取暴利的行为。First, government should check the cornering and profiteering in the real estate market.

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央行取消房屋预售建议能否终结房产暴利?The central bank canceled the pre-sale housing proposals can end property profiteering ?

在成熟的市场条件,公平竞争,在任何行业不可能有暴利。In mature market conditions, fair competition in any industry there can be no profiteering.

你可以把钱用在买风险高的股票上,以冒险来谋取暴利。You can take a gamble on getting a higher rate of interest by putting it into high-risk shares.

不少拥有土地的单位“囤积居奇”,等待获取高利或暴利的时机。Many units owned land "hoarding", or wait for the acquisition of Gao Li profiteering opportunity.

看到有人从咖啡获取暴利而我的多米尼加爸爸却得到很少,我无法沉默。I cannot be silent when I know that people are getting rich off the coffee Barilla receives so little for.

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而成本价格却在每公斤100左右,而且市场供不应求,那为什么如此暴利的行业,生产厂家会这么少呢?But cost is about 100 per kg in market demand, and why so profiteering industry, manufacturers will be so few?

不法商人常利用这一特征.在皮壳上做假,以假乱真,谋取暴利。According to this condition, some unlawful business men often fake the crust in order to reap, immense profits.

宣称已拥有中国最大院线,张宝全断言电影院是中国下一个暴利行业。Claims to have owned the largest theater, Zhang Baoquan asserted that the cinema is the next lucrative industry.