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这变化更多地体现在农转非人员社区生活中。This change is reflected in their community life.

户口农转非啦还可以迁回家非转农吗?Rights of Peasants account can also be non-GM farmers to move back home it?

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第二部分根据实地调研资料分析水资源“农转非”对灌区农户产生的影响。In the second part, we analyze the impacts imposed on the farmers because of water transfer.

作为我国城市化进程中出现的一种特殊群体,“农转非”居民的社会特征发生了显著的变化。These residents are a special group in the process. Their social characteristics have changed greatly.

几经周折,凤荣和女儿花钱办下了农转非,终于成了城里人。After many setbacks, fengrong and daughter beautiful money did farming turn blame, became oppidan eventually.

否则像夫妻投靠,农转非这种,都是归公安机关管的。Or to join as husband and wife, Nong Zhuanfei this, they both fall under the control of the public security organs.

农转非“背后的这些现实难题,是今后城镇化政策必须考虑的问题。The practical problem behind the "agriculture status to non-agriculture status" must be considered in the future of urbanization policy.

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大批农民失去土地,农转非成为城市居民,由此,他们的身份、谋生手段、生活方式乃至居住条件都发生了很大的变化。A lot of peasants lost their land and become non-agricultural status and their identity, living methods, living manners and living condition change a lot.

新时期的“农转非”制度并没有从根本上推动户籍制度的改革,也没有建立起良性的户口迁移秩序。As a result, the new household registration changing system has neither pushed forward the household registration reform nor established a good order of migration.

国家通过土地征用或征收而使农村土地“农转非”和农村劳动力“农转非”是城市化进程中的必然产物。States through land expropriation of rural land or impose a result, "rural" and the rural labor force, "residence" is a natural product in the process of urbanization.

征地现象是城市化进程的伴生物,征地使越来越多的土地由农转非。The phenomenon of land expropriation, the concomitant of urbanization process, bring that increasing land have been transfered from agricultural land to non-agricultural land.

土地农转非速度很快,农民土地权益得不到充分的保护,是我国经济发展中面临的一个重要问题。The speed of the village land turning to non-village land is very quick, rights in the farmer land can not get a full protection, this is an important problem that we face in our country development.