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第二步,加入氯气。Next, chlorine is added.

氯气有毒。Chlorine gas, toxic to humans.

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氯气在第一次世界大战中被卑鄙地使用。Chlorine gas was despicably used during WW1.

另一个电极,我们得到氯气。The other electrode, we'd make chlorine gas.

所以,如果从以钠蒸汽和氯气开始,电子传递就会发生了。So, if you start with sodium vapor and chlorine gas, electron transfer will occur.

硫脲、氯气是较有可能取代氰化物的提金试剂。Thiourea and chlorine are possible alternatives to cyanide for extraction of gold.

臭氧熏蒸或氯气加臭氧熏蒸均不能将霉菌全部杀灭。Ozone fumigation or chlorine plus ozone fumigation could not kill fungi completely.

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水的颜色,就是注满氯气的游泳池里那种不自然的蓝绿色。The color of the water is the unnatural turquoise of chlorine-filled swimming pools.

一旦发生氯气泄漏事故可加水及足量的熟石灰来进行处理。Once chlorine gas is leaked. it can be treated with water and sufficient slaked lime.

人们有时怀疑是否整个房子都会开始闻到氯气或二氧化氯的气味。People sometimes wonder if the whole house will start smelling like Chlorine or ClO2.

可以使用由循环材料和不含氯气的做成的纸制品。Try to find paper products that are made with recycled materials and are chlorine-free.

本文研究了由苯酚、丙酮和氯气经两步合成四氯双酚A的一种新方法。Tetrachlorobisphenol A was synthesised from phenol, propanone and chloride by two steps.

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还原自来水中的氯气和其它对鱼体有害的强氧化性物质。Reduction of chlorine in tap water and other strong oxidizing substances harmful for fish.

STE的大型离心式氯气压缩机在全球独树一帜。STE centrifugal compressor for dry chlorine gas is a unique school of his own in the world.

约有三百五十名伊拉克平民和六名美军士兵因接触氯气而接受治疗。About 350 Iraqis civilians and six US troops have been treated for exposure to chlorine gas.

当与漂白剂混合时,它会释放出曾在一战中使用过的化学武器,杀手气体——氯气。When mixed with bleach, it releases killer chlorine gas, a chemical weapon used in World War I.

在消毒处理工艺中,氯气、次氯酸钠、漂白粉是各水厂过去常用的杀菌消毒剂。Chlorine, sodium hypochlorite and bleaching powder used to be used as disinfectors in waterworks.

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分析了氯气压缩机段间冷却器腐蚀泄漏原因,介绍了超声波防垢原理及其实施效果。Causes for the corrosion leakage of interstage coolers of a chlorine gas compressor were analyzed.

本文研完了经处理后的丝光沸石对湿氯气吸附干燥的特性。The adsorption characteristics were studied for the drying of wet chlorine with treated mordenite.

那是厄伦美厄烧瓶,已经被氯气和钠,填满了。And that is an Erlenmeyer flask that has been filled with chlorine and sodium has been added to it.