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一个可以避邪的戒指嗯?。A ring to ward off the demons, eh?

据说是为了避邪。It is said to ward off evil spirits.

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这件饰品能避邪。The charm can ward off evil spirits.

对!它也具有避邪的力量。Right! It has the power to ward off evil, too.

说是午时喷洒雄黄酒是避邪。Announcements, updates, is said to ward off evil spraying noon.

我开车20多年未发生车祸-----这是因为我常触木避邪。I've been driving for20 years and never had an accident---touch wood.

女儿节与一个利用人偶来避邪的古老习俗有关。Girls' Day is connected to an old custom that used dolls to get rid of evil.

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她们家客厅挂了一个羊头,听说可以避邪。They hang a sheep's head in their drawing room, it is said to avoid evil spirits.

于是民间就用桃木刻成他们的模样,放在自家门口,以避邪防害。So with civil peachwood etched on their appearance on their own doorstep, to prevent harm evil.

葬礼上,亲属们在塞萨伊的脸上覆上一层避邪的粉末。As Sessay's funeral, relatives have covered Sessay's face with ritualisticpowder to ward off evil.

对于防卫性的精神需要又导致石敢当,照壁等避邪物的出现。The spirit demands leads to the appearance at some apotropaions such as Shigandang, Zhaobi and so on.

在中国传统文化中,中国结可以用于避邪或者在中国的婚礼上作为吉祥物。Culturally they were expected to ward off evil spirits or act as good-luck charms for Chinese marriages.

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于是民间就用桃木刻成他们的模样,放在自家门口,以避邪防害。Mahogany carved with folk on their appearance, on their own doorstep, in order to ward off evil anti-harm.

护身符,驱邪符。一种巫毒长期随身带在身上的避邪物,常为装着一至两种神奇物小法兰绒袋。An amulet, often a small flannel bag containing one or more magic items, worn by adherents of hoodoo or voodoo.

从原型角度来讲,桃之所以能够避邪驱鬼也是其母性保护意识的体现。On the angle of archetype the peach's can expel evil spirits because this is the reflection of maternal instinct consciousness.

桃木的颜色是红的,红色有吉祥,避邪的意思,因此春联大都用红纸书写。Peach wooden color is red, red has the meaning of auspicious, ward off evil spirits, so couplets mostly with red paper writing.

午夜时分,由村里的大户为了避邪精心安排了丰富多彩的烟花表演。At midnight a colorful fireworks display is orchestrated by the main families of the villages in order to ward off evil spirits.

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端午节,还要在门上挂艾叶和蒿草,妈妈说那是避邪和驱蚊虫的,那种清香味可以保持很长时间。The beautiful custom remind me of dulcet imagines. We also suspend the artemisia over the door to against the evil and the mosquito.

题字内容多为表明俑的名字、身份等,有的题字带有巫诅、避邪镇墓等性质。Most of the character contents show the names and status of the figures, and a few of them have the functions of curse and exorcising.

当地居民喜欢为住家图绘彩饰,并在门上悬挂动物乾枯的遗骸当作避邪物。The Nubian people like to paint and create from their homes, and above the doors hang dried animal hides, used to drive away evil spirits.