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成本耗费在哪里?Where are the costs?

一概不要耗费食物。Never was well aste food.

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一概不要耗费钱。Never was well aste money.

将它们进行合并需要耗费多少时间?嗯?How hard is it to merge them?

这需要耗费多少时间?我们说过了?How much time does that take?

这耗费了许多时间和精力。This costs much time and effort.

工作操烦耗费大量脑力吗?Your work is too much a brain-drain?

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每个查询评估会耗费些许时间。Each evaluation of the query takes time.

玩电脑游戏很耗费时间。Playing computer games is time-consuming.

而且很可能会耗费你的金钱和努力。And may cost you your money and your efforts.

最终他耗费了大量精力制造了一只机械鸭子。He settled for a mechanical duck that pooped.

要把耗费时间的作业分为几个阶段来做。No. 5 Take time-consuming homework in stages.

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这就是这个项目耗费了这么久才完成的原因。So why did the project take so long to complete?

死亡缠绕现在耗费40符文能量,原为50。Death Coil now costs 40 runic power, down from 50.

而扩大到450mm,耗费的经费将会更多。It would cost more than that to move 450mm wafers.

不用说,这样的工作可能会耗费几个小时。Needless to say, this sort of thing can take hours.

此流程通常耗费他们数小时的时间。This process normally consumed hours of their time.

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但他们两人均认为养殖乳鸽需要耗费大量食物。Both men said it takes a lot of food to raise squab.

耗费和富裕往往是联系在一起的。Effluence and affluence have a way of going together.

工程师们耗费了数年的时间盖这栋建筑。The engineers spent years constructing this building.