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他坐起身来,睁大眼看。He sits up, eyes wide.

她总是不拿正眼看我。She always skews at me.

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眯着眼看那刺目的光。Blink at the harsh light.

眼看手不动,才是真英雄。哈。Just move on and be who I am.

我抬眼看看那比翼齐飞的风筝。I looked up at those twin kites.

眼看菊蕊重阳泪。Seeing the petals Chongyang tears.

他回应了,但是却眯着眼看她。He responded, but narrowed his eyes.

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我眼看着我的丈夫被杀害。I saw my husband murdered before me.

再搏一下子,眼看就要成功了。Spurt on for success could be seen.

他正色迷迷地斜著眼看邻居的太太。He is leering at his neighbor's wife.

她抬眼看着他——她是害羞脸才红的吗?She looks up at him--is she blushing?

她一言不发地瞪著眼看了他一会儿。For a moment she stared dumbly at him.

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眼看着哈登今天10中0实在太残忍…Watching him go 0-10 today was brutal.

你想眼看着那些家伙扑上来对付我吗?Did you want to see those guys jump me?

他偷眼看了一下母亲的神色。He stole a glance at his mother's face.

眼看天气很快又要变凉。It's getting colder now pretty quickly.

他眼看着他的树林渐渐被雪覆盖。He watched his woods filled up with snow.

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从那之后他就没正眼看过我。He hasn't looked me in the eye since then.

我怎样才能使我的眯眯眼看起来大些?。How can I make my narrow eyes look bigger?

学会面带笑容,正眼看人。Look at people and learn to smile at them.