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这次旅程很短暂。This journey is brief.

生命是你最曼妙的旅程。Life is life , fight for it!

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在七度下西洋的某次旅程中。On one of the seven voyages.

想起回家的长途旅程。Think of the long trip home.

那是个危险的旅程。That was a hazardous journey.

带上你的旅程表。Bring your itinerary with you.

请收看他的精彩旅程,从0到42公里!Watch her journey from 0-42km!

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他又风尘仆仆地踏上了去中国的旅程。He was on his way to China again.

他去看望亡妻的旅程。The journey to see his dying wife.

二十里地但是个不近的旅程。Twenty miles is a long way to walk.

现在之于我而言,是高中的结束,更是另一段旅程的开始。Now it's not only a end but a start.

朋克理念是一种旅程,而非终点。Punk is a journey, not a destination.

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穿靴猫动身踏上他的旅程。Puss-in-Boots set off on his journey.

伊萨卡给了你美丽的旅程。Ithaka gave you the marvelous journey.

你拿起另一把长矛,继续你的旅程。You take another one, and you move on.

无论如何,旅程至少已经启行。But the journeys, at least, have begun.

对辛西娅来说,旅程结束了。For Cynthia Shipp, the journey is over.

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而今,它在不倦的旅程中依然一尘不染Now,unsullied from its tireless journey

但是旅程比相反方向更艰难。But the trip was much harder in reverse.

人生即是一段艰难曲折的旅程。Life is but a hard and tortuous journey.