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创造一个咒语。Create a mantra.

但是我的咒语说,不行,时机未到。But not yet, my mantra says.

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湿婆神的咒语会有用。God Siva's mantra should help.

还有,你念错咒语了。Besides you're saying it wrong.

这是另一句模糊不清、有水份的咒语。Another vague, wishy-washy mantra.

你可以教我一些咒语吗?。Would you teach me some incantation?

并将咒语混合在空气里。And mingling incantations on the air.

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巫医念了咒语想叫我家的牛遭殃。The witch-doctor has cursed our cattle.

“不要作恶”是一个模糊的咒语。"Don't be evil" is a vague incantation.

人类究竟被施了怎样的咒语,被什么邪灵附身?And what kind of spell is mankind under?

他低声地发出咒语。He uttered imprecations under his breath.

书籍经常是护身符和咒语。Books are not seldom talismans and spells.

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免费永远是最吸引人的咒语,犹如鱼饵。Abracadabra is not the magic word, FREE is.

你没念咒语是怎么做到的?How did you manage to do it without a spell?

竟把咒语织进铁石心肠?That weaves its spell on even a stone heart?

这是一句能迷惑住人的咒语。This is an incantation that can spell anybody.

女巫用咒语迷惑了公主。The witch enchanted the princess with magic words.

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你能了解那些催眠我灵魂的咒语吗?And would you learn the spells that drowse my soul?

我对消费僵死的咒语非常敏感。I am susceptible to spells of consumer rigor mortis.

邓布利多在给海格送口信的时候用到了这个咒语。Dumbledore sent a message to Hagrid using this spell.