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这个世界跟我并肩而行。The world passed me by.

四人并肩而行。The four of them walked abreast.

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四人并肩而行。They walked two or three abreast.

但上帝对他的子民自有安排,他告诉这些人要并肩绕耶利哥城而行。But God had a plan for his people.

使得墙裂了缝,二人并肩都走得过。And makes ga even two can pa abreast.

我只想。可以跟你并肩而行。I wanna be the one who's next to you.

让我们一起并肩战斗,开始这项艰难的工作。Let us begin this hard work together.

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使墙裂了缝,二人并肩都走得过。And makes gaps even two can pass abreast.

斯基普和他并肩朝河边跑去。Skip ran abreast of him toward the river.

海斯和他父亲骑马并肩而行。Hayes' horse fell abreast of his father's.

与勇敢并肩而立,因此上帝会爱你。Be brave and upright, so God may love thee.

他急忙赶上去,同她并肩走着。He caught up and walked in stride with her.

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只是与我并肩而行,永远做我的朋友。Just walk beside me and be my friend forever.

索尼娅和她并肩站在半开的门旁边。Sonya stood beside her at the half-open door.

在战争期间,他们一直并肩战斗。During the war they were fighting side-by-side.

他们一字排开并肩地站在地板上。They stood on the floor in a line side by side.

与勇敢并肩而立,因而上帝会爱你。Be daring or higherrightand so God may love thee.

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我们不能并肩同行,因为各有各方向。We can't together, because each have each direction.

这两个人现在正并肩跑著。These two personals are running shoulder to shoulder.

我看到卡门和魔鬼并肩同行。When I saw Carmen and the Devil walkin' side by side.