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这就是苏亚雷兹----总是功亏一篑。That's Juarez – always falling just short.

这位功亏一篑的007号队员名叫王星。The fall short of players named wang, 007.

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只要当中任何一个人泄露,整个任务就会功亏一篑。Any leak would have ruined the entire mission.

在雕刻中打个嗝可能都会让你功亏一篑。Just one hiccup could destroy a carving in progress.

湖人是会三连冠,还是会功亏一篑?Will the Lakers three-peat, or will they fall short?

这真是如惠灵顿在滑铁卢战役之后说的,一个该死的功亏一篑。It was, as Wellington said after Waterloo, a damned close run thing.

如果某件事让你的努力功亏一篑怎么办呢?What if this and that happens which completely ruins all of your efforts?

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如果单单依靠其军衔给予的权力,他的核潜艇研究可能早就功亏一篑了。Had he relied solely on his formal rank, he would probably have fallen short.

所谓成功,就是持续到成功为止,差一步便是功亏一篑。What we call success is the right place to stop, otherwise, it can become a failure.

投机取巧或许让您在短期内获得点收获,但是最终还是功亏一篑的。Speculation might bring you some short-term returns but in the end, all would just come to a naught.

这种原则性分歧导致国际社会在此方面的协同努力功亏一篑并停滞不前。The disagreement as such has hampered the concerted efforts at an international level to cope with the problem.

2008年有卡塔尔出面调解停火,最终却因萨利赫拒绝听从沙特建议而功亏一篑。But an earlier ceasefire, mediated by Qatar in 2008, failed when Saleh refused to implement it on the advice of the Saudis.

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沈英杰功亏一篑,懊恼不已,野田毅断定他还在矿洞里,下令追杀,为岩井报仇。Shen Yingjie's chagrin, Noda Take concluded that the work not completed, he is still mine, ordered to kill, as revenge wells.

病人的免疫系统有可能把移植的器官当作“非我族类”进行攻击,让手术功亏一篑。The immune system of the patient will probably regard the transplanted organ as an "enemy", and attack it, and the surgery finally fail.

他赢得了他的第四个NBA全明星赛最有价值球员奖,但在夺得六次NBA总冠军这个终极目标的路上,最终功亏一篑。He went on to win his fourth NBA All-Star Game most-valuable-player award but fell short of his ultimate goal of winning a sixth NBA title.

如果法国国债收益率持续攀升,该国令人艳羡的AAA评级可能将面临危险,而防止紧张情绪蔓延的努力也可能功亏一篑。A continued rise in French bond yields would put the country's coveted triple-A rating in peril and risk derailing efforts to contain tensions.

此外,即使这些挑战最终一一化解,如果新的方法达不到经济和环保的要求,也将功亏一篑。In the end though, even overcoming these challenges will come to nothing if the new approach isn t economically viable and environmentally beneficial.

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中国和美国必须注意,任何一方都应该避免采取有可能破坏双方关系的保护主义行动,使这方面的改革功亏一篑。China and the United States must be careful not to derail this reform through protectionist actions on either side that risk disrupting the relationship.

考文垂本已非常接近拿下帕切科,但最终还是功亏一篑。利物浦方面仍然希望将这位前途无量的新星留在默西塞德。City looked to have wrapped up a deal for Pacheco but that has now collapsed, with Liverpool wanting the highly-rated youngster to remain closer to Merseyside.

好的老师绝不会去恐吓学生的。恐吓其实就是一种攻击,会使学生排斥老师所传授的一切道理。结果功亏一篑。Good teachers never terrorise their students. To terrorise is to attack, and this results in rejection of what the teacher offers. The result is learning failure.