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他从断头台上下来时,他的目光里有种东西使众人肃然退立。The scaffold is a vision.

有种希望太和绝望相似。One hope is too like despair.

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有种干巴巴的感觉。It has that dry quality to it.

这个市场有种狂热的西方情怀。The market has a Wild West feel.

这让我有种高山滑雪的艰辛感。It reminds me of mountain skiing.

有种你丫的就来尝尝我的拳头!Maybe you should chew on my fist!

她有种古灵精怪的幽默感。She had a wicked sense of humour.

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其实有种爱叫放弃。There is a love named abjuration.

我有种相见恨晚的感觉!I feel it's too late to meet you !

我有种受骗上当的感觉,但我不在乎。I felt cheated, but I didn`t care.

我脸上有种湿漉漉的感觉。A feeling of wet struck on my face.

而太匆忙的生活让我有种急促的去死的窒息感。Too fast to live, too young to die.

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不经意就叹息有种不完整的心情。Casual groan gutty and incomplete mood.

有种蚊子叮人后人会患疟疾。One type of mosquito can cause malaria.

这软饮料有种让人难忍受的余味。This soft drink has a nasty aftertaste.

好烦!我想有种死的感觉!Hao Fan! A kind of feeling I want to die!

现在行为怪异反倒让人有种莫名其妙的自豪感。Now it's a point of pride in a weird way.

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这软饮料有种让人难受的余味。This soft drink get a nasty despitetaste.

他开始有种不安的感觉。He's beginning to get that squirmy feeling.

在道家学说里有种理念叫做无为。There is a concept in Taoism called ‘Wu Wei.’