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你得等几分钟让可的松奏效。You need a few minutes for cortisone to take.

还可能需要可的松注射。A course of cortisone injections may also be prescribed.

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您不必害怕滑囊可的松注射。You should not be afraid of cortisone shots in the bursa.

服用抗过敏药物,或可的松注射。Anti-inflammatories and cortisone injections may be prescribed.

从没有人对此提出抗议,因为可的松是合法的。There was never any outcry about that because cortisone is legal.

自然可的松,低血糖,肾上腺,压力,声音,感冒。Natural cortisone, hypoglycemia, adrenal glands, stress, voice, colds.

柯兴氏综合征是肾上腺产生过多的可的松。Cushing's syndrome refers to over production of cortisol by the adrenal glands.

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然而,注射消炎药物,也可能是可的松注射,有一些帮助。However, anti-inflammatory injections and possibly cortisone injections can help.

参与者随机分组接受单剂量氢化可的松或安慰剂注射。Participants were randomly assigned to receive a single shot of hydrocortisone or a placebo.

啤酒和烈性酒都有能够提高体内的可的松,一种将脂肪转移至腹部的荷尔蒙。Beer and spirits are able to enhance the bodys cortisone, a transfer to the fat hormone abdomen.

目的建立HPLC法测定咽炎滴鼻剂中醋酸可的松含量。Aim To establish an HPLC method for determination of cortisone acetate in Pharyngitis Nasal Drops.

研究紫芪颗粒剂对氢化可的松致免疫低下小鼠免疫功能的影响。To study the effect of immunity activity of Ziqi granula on Immunodepressive mice by Hydrocortisone.

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结论本法可用于测定咽炎滴鼻剂中醋酸可的松的含量,控制质量。Conclusion The HPLC method can be used for determination of cortisone acetate in Pharyngitis Nasal Drops.

在多年的研究中,地位低的猴子体内应激激素即可的松水平较高。During the years of the study, the low-status monkeys had high levels of a stress hormone called cortisol.

“过去是有人用过这种渐进的蜂蜇疗法,”唐说,“被蛰了以后,你的身体会产生可的松。“It's been used, progressive bee-sting therapy,” Don says.“When you get stung, your body produces cortisol.

“过去是有人用过这种渐进的蜂蜇疗法,”唐说,“被蛰了以后,你的身体会产生可的松。"It's been used, progressive bee-sting therapy, " Don says. "When you get stung, your body produces cortisol.

“过去是有人用过这种渐进的蜂蜇疗法,”唐说,“被蛰了以后,你的身体会产生可的松。“It’s been used, progressive bee-sting therapy, ” Don says. “When you get stung, your body produces cortisol.

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经腹腔给大鼠分别注射氢化可的松或地塞米松,使胸腺发生急性萎缩。Hydrocortisone or dexamethasone was intraperitoneally injected into rats, and acute thymus atrophy was induced.

对于一级和二级晒伤,用凉水冲洗,再抹上点保水的东西,比如芦荟胶或者氢化可的松乳膏。Treat first- and second-degree burns with cool baths, moisturizers such as aloe vera and hydrocortisone creams.

初步研究了海藻酸钙包埋法固定化技术在氢化可的松生产中的应用。The application of calcium alginate embedding immobilized method in producing Hydrocortisone was studied in this paper.