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也许下交他不忠前会有所顾忌。Maybe next time he'll think before he cheats.

陈超顾忌孟菲感受,没有再同意欣儿的恳求。Chen MengFei feeling, no scruple of supplication.

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能解释一下为什么你们不能说么,是有所顾忌么?Can you explain why you’re not in a position to say?

当党的利益需要维护时,几乎是毫不顾忌后果的。When the party needs protecting, it is applied without scruple.

你们对一个东西总是拿来就用,从不顾忌其来源和后果。You give precedence to the use of a thing rather than its source.

记者抢机会是一点顾忌都不会有的。However the reporter would robed the chances without any hesitate.

他们会毫不顾忌地拿来使用,为他们挣钱,然后在完成使命的时候弃如敝屣。They will use it, make their money, and then run off when they're done.

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他们的和好是否已经达到如此前嫌尽释的程度,以至她可以不再有所顾忌?Had the reconciliation been so complete that she could act as she pleased?

天贞见夜犬来了又不动手,不禁有所顾忌。Dog day zhen see night come and dont begin, can not help but have scruples.

“唐维”被枪击因为他对毒品的顾忌使得他成为了一个致命的敌人。The “Don” gets shot because his scruples about drugs make him a deadly enemy.

中国人一般在谈及死亡的时候有很多顾忌。The Chinese actually have a great hesitance in general to face death as it is.

事实上我一伸出手就可以揽住你,但系我有太多顾忌。Actually i as soon as put out a hand may hug you, but i have too much scruples.

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经理为顾忌他人就迳自让会议进行到午餐时间。The manager inconsiderately allowed the meeting to run well into the lunch hour.

这既然没有约束力的,那为什么一个打算支付高薪酬的公司还要顾忌这种投票?It's nonbinding, so why wouldn't a company that wanted to pay more hold the vote?

未成年人不能进酒吧可不在他们顾忌范围内。The nonage can not enter bar to not have scruples about inside the scope by them.

仗着人多,也都有点儿水性,是不顾忌大人们苦口婆心地教导的。By many people, also have a little water, is not scruple to adults like Po 's teachings.

“你顾忌宫里那个老头子?”海浮石不以为然道。"Do you have scruples about that old headman in the temple?"The sea pumice disagrees a way.

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你觉得香港新闻传媒系批评XX政府既时候有冇顾忌?Do you think the news media in Hong Kong have any scruple about criticizing the XX Government?

到夜深人静的时候,卸装的自己,不会顾忌有人看到我的疲惫,我笑容的苍白。To the dead of night, when their own uninstall will not see my fear was tired, I am a pale smile.

由于顾忌中国的反应,日本政府未敢轻举妄动。But the Japanese government did not dare to take any further action for fear of reaction from China.