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人们无法规避暑热。People can't escape the heat.

这些食物减少暑热和燥。These foods reduce the hotness and dryness.

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人行道在暑热中变得凹凸不平。The pavement heaved and buckled in the heat.

连日阴雨,让北京夏天的暑热减去了几分。Consecutive rainy days reduce summer heat in Beijing.

夏天代茶饮还能清除暑热。Summer substituting tea drinking also can remove the heat.

这个姑娘在暑热中昏倒了,但很快就被救醒。The girl fainted in the heat but she was soon brought round.

酷热的天气,连机场也会感到暑热难耐。Hot weather, even the airport would have been intolerable heat.

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冰淇淋是我最喜欢的食物,它能使我感到凉爽和祛除暑热。Ice cream is my favorite food, It can make me feel cool and drives away my hotness.

在暑热的烟霭的下面,一阵阵微风拂过亮光闪闪的水面。Here and there, little breezes crept over the polished waters beneath the haze of heat.

南京城素有“火炉”之称,金兵多是北方人甚怕暑热。Nanjing City has been called the "stove", Jinbing many northerners are very afraid of Shure.

食用丝瓜粥能防止暑热、清热化痰,利湿解毒。Eating towel gourd porridge can prevent summer-heat, eliminating phlegm and removing dampness.

如果我们被留堂,我们就可以逃避外面的暑热,虽然捉迷藏依然很诱人。If we stayed in, we could escape the heat outside, although a game of tag kept the temptation.

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谭先生研制暑热压力测量系统的工作及成果,获得嘉奖。Mr. TAM was commended for his work relating to the development of the Heat Stress Measurement System.

瀑布溅喷的水雾飘飘洒洒,纷纷扬扬,给游客以扑面凉爽和美的享受,可一洗征尘的暑热和劳乏,顿觉轻松和振奋。The water sprays and drifts, frees visitors from the summer heat and fatigue, and gives them enjoyment of beauty.

纽约茂比利街的路灯之间扯起了红白绿的拱形彩饰,在八月暑热中微微泛光。ARCHES of red, white and green tinsel, hanging between the light posts of Mulberry Street, shimmered in the August heat.

冲浪的人本周末在享受巴拿马城滨海的海浪,人家全家人都跳进海水里在暑热中清凉一下。Surfers enjoyed the waves off Panama City Beach this weekend, and families jumped in the water to take a break from the heat.

无论你是喜欢在游泳池、河里、或者是海里游泳,一头扎进水中都会是有趣放松,驱除暑热的好方法。Whether you prefer swimming in a pool, a river, or the sea, getting into the water can be a fun and relaxing way to cool off.

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暑热、午后沉闷的空气、人群和嘈杂声还有窄小的通道都让我们愈来愈感到疲累。The heat, the heavy afternoon air, the people and the noise, and the small hallways all contributed to our increasing fatigue.

不管是否有刺骨的寒冷还是致命的暑热,当您得到您所要所想,就是美梦成真的时刻!Does not matter whether there is chilling cold or killing summer heat, it is like a dream come true when you get, what you desire!

饮用此茶有助消除身体暑热,为身体补充能量,滋润身体,消除疲劳,使身体精力充沛。This tea helps clearing summer-heat, replenishing the vitality of body, moistening the skin, eliminating tiredness to strengthen the body.