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破坏者炸毁了堤坝。Saboteurs dynamited the dam.

恐怖分子炸毁了堤坝。Terrorists dynamited the dam.

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生活处于质量堤坝后面。Life behind the quality dikes.

洪水冲坍了那座堤坝。The floods caved in that dike.

堤坝在洪水中屹立不动。The dike held during the flood.

洪水冲垮了堤坝。The flood waters burst the dyke.

如果堤坝决堤,所有人都会被淹死If the dyke goes, you are drowned.

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他们筑起堤坝制服了那条奔腾的河流。They dammed and tamed the wild stream.

堤坝决口,淹没了他们的村庄。A dam burst and flooded their villages.

洪水漫过了堤坝。Flood waters poured over the embankments.

堤坝溃决,河水泛滥。The water broke loose when the dam burst.

堤坝建成之后,水就变深了。The water deepened after the dam was built.

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山谷底筑起一道68米高的堤坝。The dam rises 68 metres from the valley floor.

那条堤坝是为拦洪修建的。The dyke was built to retain the f1ood waters.

建立了堤坝管涌渗漏持续线热源模型。The first one is continue line heat resource model.

黄石河是美国最长的没有堤坝的河流。The Yellowstone is America’s longest undammed river.

沿江筑了堤坝,以防涨水。The wall was built along the river in case of floods.

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他们用乱石基加固水库的堤坝。They riprapped the dykes of the reservoir with stone.

在解决堤坝渗漏方面,也有着很好的应用前景。It also has a good future on detecting leakages of dams.

他们沿海岸筑起一道堤坝以拦住海水。They built a dam along the seashore to retain the seawater.