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乐队奏起慢步舞曲。The band played a slow dance.

我喜欢这种慢步的调子。I love this ode to slow-moving.

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他慢步从房前走过。He slowly walked past the house.

可是那慢步探戈舞已经开始了`。But the slow street tango had begun.

这段音乐适合跳花式慢步舞。This piece of music is suitable to strut.

慢步林间,和你的聊天又浮现眼前。Jog trot forest, and your chat again surfacing.

教练让运动员绕着操场慢步跑。The coach had the players jogging around the playground.

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在莎拉慢步踱在花园道上时,她接到了迈可打来的一个电话。As Sara takes a stroll through a park, she gets a call from Michael.

为什么当马做慢步、快步、慢跑或大步慢跑蕦嘛手的感觉是如此的不同?Why do the walk the trot and the canter or lope feel so different to a rider?

在防护网的另一边,T-Bag慢步走近,要求参与他们一起工作。On the other side of the fence, T-Bag jogs over, demanding to be part of the job.

所以他慢步前行,而那看不见的伙伴就在他身边走着,就在他身边呼吸。So he went on at a walking pace and the unseen companion walked and breathed beside him.

他们其时停下脚步,屏息静气,黑熊终究慢步走开了,没打搅他们。But they stopped, stayed quiet and finally the bears went away slowly without bothering them.

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如果你的马一周只骑一两次,那你最好只做慢步,除此之外什么都别做。If your horse is only ridden once or twice a week you should probably not do anything but a walk.

第一件你需要知道的事情就是如何让马停止慢步并且站着不动。这,非常简单。The first thing you need to know is how to make the horse stop walking and stand. It, too, is easy.

因为所有的关节屈曲更明显,所以步幅比中度慢步稍短且稍为抬高。The steps cover less ground and are higher than at the medium walk, because all the joints bend more markedly.

慢步是一种规律的四节拍行进步伐,每一节拍的间距都是均等的。The walk is a marching pace in a regular and well-marked four time beat with equal intervals between each beat.

年轻的渔夫径直走去了市场,他慢步走着,垂头丧气,仿似心中怀着忧伤。And the young Fisherman went down into the market-place, and he walked slowly, and with bowed head, as one who is in sorrow.

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被射了一枪,而且被杰克披上的防弹衣捡回一条命的尼娜慢步地走出工业区,显得迷迷糊糊的,身上有瘀伤。Having been shot and saved by the flak jacket that Jack gave her Nina wanders off from the industrial area dazed and bruised.

我的心也随他而去。因此,我慢步向他跑过去。在他爬着寻找眼镜时,我看到了他眼中的泪水。My heart went out to him. So, I jogged over to him, and as he crawled around looking for his glasses, I saw a tear in his eye.

唯一的效果是,那马儿爆发出一阵装模作样的小跑,才跑了五六步,又变成慢步了。The only result was that the horse broke into a kind of pretence of a trot for five or six paces and then subsided into a walk again.