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有人情味。Be human.

凯尔是一个极富人情味的人。Kehr is a very human person.

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允许自己富于“人情味儿”。Give yourself permission to be human.

我们不与那些没有人情味的大公司打交道。We don't deal with large impersonal companies.

这是一种缺少人情味、随意马虎的处事方式。It’s an impersonal, imprecise, inexact approach.

如果你认为世界是残忍,没有人情味的,它的确是那样。If you think the world is cruel and merciless, it is.

但这样做却会让管理者看起来太没有人情味了。But being too cautious can make a boss seem downright heartless.

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是的,但是亲自挑选的礼物更显得有人情味。Yes, but a hand-picked gift just seems more personal, I suppose.

这是人们一直都喻为最有人情味,最诗情画意的一个节日。It is a festival which is explained for its humaneness and poetry.

不必感到受伤,我亲爱的老伙计,你知道我这个人缺点人情味。Don't be hurt, my dear fellow. You know that I am quite impersonal.

这是一个更黑暗的蝙蝠侠,更少人情味,更令人陌生。This is a darker Batman, less obviously human, more strangely other.

除了捡便宜,逛跳蚤市场最有趣的是感受人情味。Aside from the bargains, flea markets always have a great atmosphere.

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在拜金主义的社会,有些人越来越没有人情味的。In the money-oriented society, some people are becoming more and more impersonal.

我们一喝起酒来,桌边的交谈就变得失去了人情味了。Once we started drinking, the conversation at our table became much less impersonal.

过去店主都会认识他的顾客们,多有人情味。The personal element existed when the shop-keeper knew all his customers personally.

这一点与通常的观念―即计算机毫无人情味,似乎有矛盾。This seems to contradict the common belief that computers dehumanize the individual.

但是这种观点误读了他工作的人情味以及由他陪伴的乐趣。But this view misinterprets the humanity of his work and the pleasure of his company.

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恶霸不仅不会欣赏别人人情味的一面,他们还不能容忍这些。Bullies not only don't appreciate the personal side of others, they don't tolerate it.

泰禾,是一个充满人情味的大家庭,但如果处处都讲人情,很多执行就会变成没有果实的花朵。CAC is full of human touch. While too much human touch may create trouble for execution.

因此,目前银行已经进入使自己富有人情味的阶段。Hence the banks have now reached the stage where they have tried to humanise themselves.