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他是一个见闻广博的人。He is a storehouse of information.

广博的见闻是赠给知识贫乏者的宝贵的精神食粮。A broad range of horizons is donated to know?

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我今见闻得受持,愿解如来真实义。And I vow to fathom the Tathagata's true meaning.

以一个旧式的女人来说,她是见闻广博的。She is well-informed for a woman of the old school.

为增广见闻,故要“事事好奇,处处学习”To increase knowledge, be curious about everything.

我们对世界的看法来自于我们的见闻。We all enter the world depending on what we can see.

猴是充足智慧的常识分子,见闻广博,有惊的纪念力。The Monkey is an intelligent person with good memory.

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如果你打动了人们,人们就会对他们的见闻进行思考。If you move people, they will think about what they have seen.

聪明来自于见闻广博。Wisdom comes from extensive obull crapervation and broad knowledge.

最有趣的见闻将会赢得公司赠送的一年商务休息室使用权。The funniest will win access to Flybe's business lounges for a year.

我相信前总统克林顿会有些有趣的见闻。I think former President Clinton will have some interesting information.

一般认为出国旅游可增广见闻。It is generally thought that traveling abroad can enrich one's knowledge.

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大多数学院院长都能讲出这些见闻。Most deans can tell stories of parents who lingered around campus for days.

还应该通过阅读杂志增长见闻,逐渐形成自己的观点和倾向。Read magazines to be informed and to frame opinions and trends with context.

他们也许会需要人帮忙完成家庭作业并分享一天的见闻。They might need assisstant with homework or want to share the dave activities.

你可能有些单纯,需要更现实和增广见闻。You may be somewhat naïve, and you may need to be more realistic and informed.

假如你们想要彻底研究「机智语」,你们必须阅读「旅行见闻集」这本书。If you want to make a thorough study of the Witz you must read the Reisebilder.

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房东大娘总是会跟我讲关于新开河的见闻。The landlord aunt is always telling me much information about the Xinkai River.

金星位于第九宫可以表示,爱情是增长见闻的媒介。Venus in the ninth house can signify love as an agent of consciousness expansion.

在这里,唐杜和同行们坐下来聊天喝茶,谈论各自一天下来的见闻。Here his co-workers and him sit, chat, have a cup of tea and talk about their day.