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探讨“藏象”的内涵。The meaning of the Zangxiang.

企业社会责任的内涵是什么?。What is the intension of CSR?

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赋予了华亿崭新的内涵。Given the connotation of the new Asian.

第二章是基本内涵的界定。Chapter two definate the basic connotation.

然后…有内涵的文章就是这样炼成哒!Later, the article will magically write itself.

“贵和执中”是其基本内涵。Peaceful Execution "is the basic connotations."

谁来闲扯,往往意味着不同的内涵。Who cackle, often means different connotations.

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生命的欢爽所牵涉的内涵是什麽意思?What is meant by what is involved in jouissance?

艾赛尼派教徒正确的内涵是什么?。Q. What is the correct meaning of the term Essene?

同义词之间的内涵意义会略微不同。Synonyms can have slightly different connotations.

完美性爱的内涵远比按动正确的“按钮”要多得多。There’s more to sex than pushing the right button.

一簇野花具有深刻的现代主义内涵。A tuft of flowers have deep modernism connotations.

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比“站得高,看得远”更有力量和内涵。The further you can see, the higher you will stand.

这种为国家服务的意识是美国整个国家所有的内涵。This sense of service is what America is all about.

智能型市场驱动企业的内涵。The meaning of intelligent market-driven enterprise.

城市制度究竟内涵着怎样的司法理念呢?What judicial principles did city systems connotate?

基督教的道德规范以及宗教文学的特定内涵。Christian moral rules and the intensions of documents.

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魏书生育人观的基本内涵。The basic meaning of Wei Shesheng's view about rearing.

我妈妈非常高雅、和蔼可亲,说话温柔,富有精神内涵。My mom is very classy, sweet, soft-spoken and spiritual.

能瞭解隐私权的内涵与法律规范。Understand the true meaning and legislations of privacy.