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他将在山脚步下停步不前。Will at the bottom stop.

在高高的石围墙面前小马驹停步不前。The foal balked at the high stone fence.

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告诉她,欢乐的时光不会停步Tell her the joyous time will not be staid

他退缩了,最终停步不前。He faltered and finally stopped in midstride.

在学习英语上要不断地努力,永不停步!Keep moving on your English study and never stop!

“哦,现在它停步了,不管它是什么马儿。”沙斯塔说。"Well, it's stopped now, whatever it is, " said Shasta.

需要加强宣传和强化卫生系统,没有任何停步不前的理由。Advocacy needs to be enhanced. We also need health system strengthening.

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罗斯托夫用手摸了摸马脖子,然后摸了摸马屁股,便在台阶上停步了。Rostov stroked the horse on the neck and then on the haunch, and lingered on the steps.

将军因呐喊和硝烟呛得大声咳嗽起来,在绝望中停步了。The general was choked with screaming and gunpowder -smoke, and he stood still in despair.

在校长办公室门前,她停步片刻使自己镇静下来。Before the door of the headmaster's office,she stopped and re-collected herself for a while.

“希望你跟我一起去,纽兰,”母亲在布朗马车的门前突然停步说。"I wish you would go with me, Newland, " his mother said, suddenly pausing at the door of the Brown coupe.

但是,一直以来,古籍机读目录的建设工作缺乏标准,没有合适的系统,停步不前。For a long time, there were no standards and systems for machine-readable catalog for Chinese ancient books.

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历史本身证明了对这些技术只能进行改良,所以我们不能停步不前。History itself shows that technology can only improve, and thus we cannot stop the advance of these weapons.

最后,特德跟着这只发疯似的小狗穿过空地,小狗停步奔回,吼叫着,催特德快点儿。Eventually, Ted followed the frantic Spotty across the empty lot as Spotty paused to race back and bark encouragingly.

不久之后马姬娜有事外出,回家时见强盗所留下的粉笔记号,便停步仔细观察。Soon after this Morgiana came out upon some errands, and when she returned, she saw the mark the robber had made, and sto.

到了当地卡车停靠站,乔把斯努皮放在他旁边的凳子上,就跟那些停步逗弄小狗的司机聊了起来。At the local truck stop, Joe sat Snoopy on a stool beside him while he fell into conversation with drivers who stopped to pet her.

我们必须清楚地意识到,我们长大了,我们即将告别小学,人生之路坎坷不平,怯弱者停步不前,勇敢者永不退缩。We must be clearly aware that we grow up, we say goodbye to elementary school, bumpy road of life, the cowardly isn't succeeding, brave never quit.

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但是这个坚强的女孩子并没有因为身体上的残疾而停步不前,年仅十岁的她已精通西班牙语,法语,汉语以及盲文。But the ambitious schoolgirl has not let her disability hold her back and has become fluent in Spanish, French, Chinese and Braille by the age of 10.

拉扎列夫停步了,露出惊惶的样子,朝上校斜视一眼,便像士兵们被喊到队列前面时常有的情形那样,他的面孔颤动了一下。Lazarev stopped short, with a sidelong scared look at his colonel, and his face quivered, as one so often sees in soldiers called up in front of the ranks.

长江在笑,黄河在唱,流水生生不息,永不停步归大海,人民胜利凯歌扬。The Yangtze River in the laughter, the Yellow River in the singing, everlasting water, never stop owned by the sea, the people of the victory of a triumphant Yang.