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更或者是像我,你可能出生就没有对耳屏。Or, like me, you might have been born without an antitragus.

对耳屏是一个小小的软骨组织,犹如一道低矮的墙让耳塞呆在原位。That’s the little lower-edge wall of cartilage that would hold earbuds in place.

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目的观察耳屏软骨膜行鼓膜成型术的效果。Objective Evaluation of the effect in myringoplasty using antilobium perichondrium graft.

如受检者叫痛,轻拉耳廓和按耳屏及耳后颞骨乳突部。If client complai of pain, gently pull auricle and pre on tragus and behind ear over mastoid bone.

如受检者叫痛,轻拉耳廓、按耳屏及耳后颞骨乳突部。If client complains of pain, gently pull auricle and press on tragus and behind ear over mastoid bone.

获得的外耳形状更逼真、强度更高,可减少耳垂转位、耳甲腔及耳屏再造的手术。A more real and stronger ear was obtained. The operation of earlap transform and tragus reforger can be cut down.

测试从你的下颌接合处开始,用你双手的食指尖触碰你双耳的耳屏。Begin the exam by assessing the temporomandibular joint. Place the tip of your index finger in front of the tragus of each ear.

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目的探讨用耳屏软骨环-软骨膜行鼓膜成形术的远期疗效。Objective To investigate curative effect of the tragus cartilage ring with perichondrium for repairing tympanic membrane perforation.

根据耳屏间切迹到口角联线来确定上颌动脉起始部位。The origin of the maxillary artery was located and delimited according to a designed line from incisure intertragica to angulus oris.

触碰耳廓检查质地、触痛,有无损伤。如受检者叫痛,轻拉耳廓和按耳屏及耳后颞骨乳突部。B. Palpate auricle for texture, tenderness, and presence of lesions. If client complains of pain, gently pull auricle and press on tragus and behind ear over mastoid bone.

结果应用耳屏软骨膜及颞肌筋膜作为鼓膜移植材料,两者在提高鼓膜成活率和患者听力方面均效果良好。Results As the graft materials in tympanoplasty, tragus perichondrium and temporal muscular fasciae are effective to enhance the efficiency of drum membrane and audile of patients.

21例患者均用带软骨膜的耳屏软骨重建上鼓室外侧壁,其软骨膜修复穿孔的鼓膜松弛部。In all these21patients the lateral wall of attic was reconstructed with the cartilage of tragus. the perichondrium of the cartilage was used to repair the perforation in the non-vibrans membrane.